Cody's journey with asexuality

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The story will contain mentions of sexual assault if you are not in a good headspace please do not read this keep yourself safe

when Cody was younger he never felt anything when it came to sexual desires even after hitting puberty he told his parents about this and his parents said that he just hasn't found the right person yet well by the age of 15 Cody was sexually assaulted by a close family friend and still felt no sexual desires when he started going out with Noah Noah wanted to do stuff because Noah's demisexual Cody realized even though he found the right person he wasn't feeling any sexual desires he started doing some research and came across the term asexual he knew what demisexual was but he never heard of the term asexual Cody was really nervous to tell Noah about this but they sat down and had a talk about this and Cody revealed to Noah that he's asexual and that's why he hasn't wanted to do anything he feels no sexual attraction or desires but that does not mean he doesn't want a romantic relationship Noah was completely fine and understanding of this and they found other ways to be intimate that were not sexual like cuddling and taking showers together and bathing together Cody loves the intimate feeling of Noah washing his hair what Cody thought would happen with a relationship is that it would be ruined would actually happened is they have a closer Bond

(Hey guys it's me Noah the writer of the story sorry for the lack of uploading recently I've been really burnt out but I really hope you guys enjoy this I know it's really short but longer stories will be coming out soon have a wonderful day and be sure to be safe and drink some water)

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