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"Woah!" Kugisaki and Itadori gasped as the three first-year students sat in Megumi's room playing video games

"Watch out!" Itadori gasped

Megumi, who was trying to read a book. Was at the end of his tether with the amount of noise his classmates were making, angrily shutting it

"You know you don't have to make sounds every five seconds?"

"Our bad" Both said

"We have some super urgent mission later on, shouldn't we be training?" Yuji brougth up, a silnce filling the room

"Nah" Nobara and Megumi shrugged before the door opened to reveal Shiori who had flour all over her face

"What happened to you?" Yuji questioned, nobara snapping a picture of the youngest Gojo who wore a huge scowl on her face but it was different from her usual one

"Baking with my siblings" She sighed, making her way towards megumis bathroom to clean up

"Sayuris here?" The dark haired male asked

"Satoru just called Utahime to pick her up" Shiori answered from the bathroom "but she's still in the kitchen with satoru"

"Who's Sayuri?" Nobara asked, the youngest Gojo making her way out of the bathroom and securing her hair tie

There was always the tiniest smile on her face when she talked about her siblings, even if she refused to admit it out loud

"My sister"

"There's three of you??"

"Yeah" She nodded, her smile growing larger, her eyebrows raising ever so slightly

That was the confirmation Megumi needed

"Sayuri I know it's you" He sighed

"Huh?" the White-haired girl along with nobara and Yuji voiced

"What makes you so sure of that Megumi?"

"Shiori doesn't smile with her eyes, plus her frown is different."

Upon hearing this, Sayuri couldn't hold her act together, breaking out into a hearty laugh

"I've never heard Gojo laugh like that" Yuji blinked
"Idiot it's not gojo!" nobara whispered

"Wow Megumi, I knew of your little crush on my sister but I didn't think you'd analysed her that well" Sayuri continued, Megumi's face turning bright red

"I don't know what you're talking about Sayuri"

"Wait, I'm confused" Yuji blinked, the door opening once more to reveal a copy and past of 'Shiori'

"Twins!" Yuji and nobara gasped as they looked at the two girls in front of them

"Shiori there you are" Sayuri smiled "Did you know Megumi can tell us apart? Even Satoru can't sometimes!"

"How so?"

"Well" She began before the zenin lightly elbowed her "hey!" she frowned, Shiori giving them confused looks

"Noritoshi is coming to get you instead" Shiori sighed, her twins smile only growing

"Really? I forgot he had learnt how to drive!" she cheered, the twins along with Megumi finally noticed the shocked faces of Yuji and nobara

"Who...who?" nobara blinked

"Sayuri Gojo" The one who had come into the room first spoke, happily shaking both of their hands

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