Chapter 24: New Age

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About a week after final blow of Shinomiya crisis and saving Kaguya everything went back to normal, aside of fact that Miyuki was on other continent. As the Vice President Kaguya was the one who looked over council to the end of the year.

After few days of break from school Akio was about to enter his class, when he felt a poke on his shoulder.

-Misaki- There you are! We all been waiting for you!

-Akio- Misa? What do you mean?

-Misaki- Drama club of course! Come, we need to talk.

-Akio- But class is gonna to start soon...

-Misaki- No worries, we are allowed to skip classes in our situation.

She dragged him down the hall to the club room. Her last words seemed weird. "Situation"?

When they entered the room rest of club was already in there, including Hayasaka.

-Misaki- Ok, now that all are here we can start.

Ai pulled her boyfriend arm.

-Ai-(whisper) sit down dummy.

-Misaki- So. As few of you have heared, we need to get ready for our next play faster than usual. Principal wants us to perform at Kiku no Sekku so we have about month to prepare everything.

-Guy- But we don't even have a script!

-Misaki- It looks like we have now.

She showed all a big notebook.

-Misaki- Usually we were playing fairy tales or other traditional things, now its something new. I wrote this script about a year ago when i was competating for club lead. Its titled "Sailor of the Storm". And this is our script.

Many voices has spoken at once. Ones were happy, others worried but Misaki looked really confident about her idea.

After a short meeting she gave everyone a few sheets of paper with lines of their characters. She left our two for the end.

-Misaki- There ya go!

Both Ai and Akio exchanged their confused faces.

-Akio- "Daishi the sailor"...

-Ai- "Akari, sailors lover"...

-Misaki- And? What do you think? You will be playing our two main characters!

Once again they looked at each others with confusion.

-Ai- But Misa... We are still rookies. We joined you two months ago, and you are giving us leading roles?

-Misaki- You know, I want it to be realistic. Your characters at some point of play are lovers, so who would act their feelings more realistic than a real couple?

-Akio- So you should ask some other couple from club.

-Misaki- I would, but you are only ones.

-Akio-... Really?

-Ai- Ok, we will try, but don't be too strict, its still something new for us.

-Misaki- You will be great, I know it!


-Ai- Wow! That is great! I never thought she would write such a moving story.

She screamed while reading script.

-Akio- Yes, it looks great, but you really think we can do that? You may get better, but don't forget that im still... Well.. Myself.

-Ai- It will be ok.

-Akio- The singing part kinda scares me off.

-Ai- Please, you have about two lines of song, rest is mine. Besides belive me, you can't be worse than Miyuki.

-Akio- Speaking of him, do you think he will return here?

-Ai- Im sure he will. He wont leave Kaguya.

-Akio- But she is going to apply to Stanford too, maybe they will stay in America?

-Ai- They wont, this is their home.

Rest of evening went calmly. At least outside, becouse inside Akios mind there was a total apocalypse. Playing a lead character was kinda scaring him.

-------------------Academy Hall------------------

-Ishigami- Hey buddy!

Ishigami yelled from corner of hall.

-Akio- Hey, what's up?

-Ishigami- Wanna come by after classes? I just got a new co-op game.

-Akio- I would like to but i can't. Drama club have meeting and it will take most of the day.

-Ishigami- Can't you just skip it?

-Akio- No... Its important to me, besides... I have the lead part.

Yu's eyes got wide.

-Ishigami- You?!

-Akio- Yes...

-Ishigami- How's that possible?!

-Akio- Ai is best in our group, and she is playing second main character. And im supposed to play a character she falls on love with. Misaki wanted it to seem realistic so she chose me.

-Ishigami- Wow, guess I'll just play single player mode.

-Akio- Thanks for empathy.

-Ishigami- Aren't you excited?

Akio haven't heard him, becouse he already walked away.

-Ishigami- *smirks* So that's the deal... You feel akward of showing your real feelings in public. Such a dummy.

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