Chapter 9

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"Bella. Just hold my hand, would you?" "I'm already holding the rail." "And you're a clutz. Moving on." I held the wall while helping her down the stairs. Everytime her boot hit made me wince. How does that not hurt? "Quinn. Go. I can get down the rest of the way." I let go. "Fine. But don't blame me if you fall and break something else." I turned and saw Jasper staring up at me with wide eyes and looked speechless and followed me with every step. I felt flustered and slowly made my way to the bottom of the stairs. "How does it look?" "You look flawless." He said breathlessly, his eyes never leaving me as if he saw nothing else. "You know. Alice could of found something that's not so tight." I pulled at the chest area. He took my hand and put a corsage on my wrist. "You look gorgeous, so don't forget that." We moved out of the way for Edward to see Bella. "Alice lent me the dress." I looked at Jasper. "She got lent one and I got dragged around." He smirked. "It was worth it." "It's perfect." We looked at Edward and saw he was entranced by Bella. I saw the look on dad's face and he looked every bit the 'I'm not happy my little girls are now dating'. "We'll take care of them chief Swan." "You have our word, sir." "Where did I hear that before." Dad mumbled. Dad stopped me before Jasper could take me outside. Edward went out to wait at the bottom of the porch. "Listen. I put pepper spray in your bags." I rolled my eyes since I still the other in my bag upstairs. "You both look beautiful." "Thanks." "Thanks dad." We were both allowed to leave and got in the the car.

"Do we really need to take a picture?" "Why not? All for memories sake." We stepped up and had our picture taken. He led me away from the party and to a lit up balcony where we could still hear the music. "Ma'am. Would you do me the honors of asking for a dance?" "You may, sir." I smiled when he took my hand and kissed it. Placing a hand on his shoulder and still holding mine. He placed his hand on my waist. "Just to warn you I never learned to dance. So I might step on your feet." "Just follow my lead. You can step on my feet as long as you want." He started dancing while I laughed at him. "You're lucky you're a vampire or you would have broken feet." He shrugged and pulled me closer. "I'll take the broken feet." "Sure you would." "You'll learn to dance in time." "You say that I'm going to do quite a few things in time." "Yes. But I want to wait before before you know." "I think I can wait." He pulled me even closer. He leaned his head down and gave me a small peck. He looked at me and did it again and again. Soon his mouth opened slightly and I followed. He pressed his lips a little harder before pulling away. He stared at me and looked me over. "You really are beautiful, my love." "And you're very handsome, my love." I laughed when he had me stand on his feet and danced with me some more.

After we got home. I showered and got on my bed and looked at the photo of me and Jasper propped again the open laptop. Hearing Bella's boot coming up the stairs I sat up. "If you wanted to talk I could of come downstairs." She looked down the stairs then to me. "Quinn. Did Jacob talk to you tonight?" "No. Why? Did he come to crash our prom?" I smiled but it slowly left at the look on her face. "His dad paid him to come. But he said something and it was from Billy." "What did he say?" She moved closer and sat on the bed. "He wants us to break up with Edward and Jasper." I looked away from her to my hands. "Why would he ask that?" "His dad said that they'll be watching us." I looked at her once I thought for a moment. "It's because Carlisle was the one to make the treaty. They knew what they were this whole time. Why Edward bailed on your offer to the beach on the reservation. They're still keeping the treaty but now they're worried because we are close to vampires. Well. We are dating them." "Quinn. I love Edward." "I know you do." "What about you and Jasper?" "I do love him. He told me he loves me." "You told him?" "I did. But now I'm worried about why the Quileute will be watching us. You don't think they'll cause problems, will they?" "I hope not." I could only nod. She went back downstairs and I laid down. I looked at the stairs and my eyes were starting to close until sleep finally took me.

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