Chapter 21

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Xiao's POV

Today was the day. That mortal Y/N should be returning to Liyue. I patiently waited on the roof of Wangshu Inn, waiting for that mortal to come into view.

"Back here again, huh?" I turned my head, seeing Verr standing there. "Of course. Evil doesn't rest for anyone."

Verr chuckled and shook her head. "That's the same excuse you keep using, Adeptus Xiao. It's Y/N, isn't it?" My heart slightly accelerated, but I showed no emotion. "I'm right, aren't I?" I sigh in irritation before shaking my head. "Not now."

She laughed before turning to leave. Before she fully disappeared back inside, she paused and looked at me. "You know, Adeptus Xiao.. Lantern Rite is coming up. You should ask her to go with you."

This only caused another sigh of irritation to escape me. "I don't have time for such foolish festivities such as this." "Oh come on, Adeptus Xiao. I'm sure she's never been to the Lantern Rite. She's from Mondstadt. Remember? So I think you should show her what it's like." "Why are you so persistent?" "Why shouldn't I be? Alice informed me that she's gonna be staying in your private room here." I turned my head to look at her and saw a huge grin. I immediately knew what she was thinking and quickly butted in. "It's not like that. Y/N is just another mortal to me." I stated. She rolled her eyes before looking ahead. "Is that her over there? I can't tell. I can just see someone."

I immediately looked down towards where she said, seeing a familiar female with (hair color) hair. I nodded before teleported next to her, startling her.

"Archons, Xiao! Don't do that!" she shrieked and laughed as she placed her hand over her heart. "That wasn't my intention. I was looking from the balcony for your arrival back to Liyue. You haven't run into any trouble, have you?" I asked her. She smiled and eased up, shaking her head. "Nope. No trouble. Just a couple of Hilichurls. Nothing I can't handle." I nodded before looking at the bags she was carrying. She must have noticed my gaze before she chuckled nervously. "Sorry if this is overboard. I wasn't sure how long I was gonna be in Liyue for." I shook my head. "I don't understand you mortal women. Here."

I wrapped my arm around her waist and took one of her bags in my hand. "Close your eyes if you need to." I warned her.

In the blink of an eye, we arrived to the main lobby in Wangshu Inn. I motioned her to follow me as we walked up the stairs, ignoring Verr's teasing comments and just continued leading Y/N to my private room.


I looked around curiously as Xiao led me higher into the building. I was slightly confused, knowing there were no rooms way up. But we still continue climbing until we reached the top. "Umm... Xiao?" I asked in confusion. He glanced at me for a brief moment and didn't say a word. He just continued walking and I had no choice to follow until we reached a single door in the hallway. I looked around and continued following until we reached the door. 

He looked at me for a brief moment before pushing the door open. My eyes widened in awe once I caught sight of the interior. There was a bed in the center of the room, it's blankets a dark blue . There was a couple bookshelves with books on them and a desk in the corner. My eyes wandered to the other side of the room to see a bathroom with white tiled floor. It looked almost luxurious.

"Verr allows me to live here. So I guess you can consider this my home." Xiao explained. "It's... gorgeous, Xiao." 

He moved aside, allowing me to enter first. I smiled softly and slowly walked into the room. He followed behind me and closed the door behind us. My heart skipped a beat knowing that we were now completely alone with no interruptions. I slowly placed the bag I was holding down. He came behind me and put the other bag beside the one I just placed. 

"You may look around if you wish." he said as he sat down on the edge of the bed. I looked at him for a moment before slowly walking over, sitting on his bed next to him. "Thanks again for letting me stay with you. It means a lot to me. As much as I love my friends and brothers back in Mondstadt, it's nice to get away from the chaos every now and then." I said. "You're welcome, Y/N."

I sigh and lay flat on my back on his bed, my feet dangling from the end. "Is everything okay? Is this not what you wanted as well?" he asked. I quickly shook my head. "It's not like that, Xiao. I'm just a little tired. The journey was a pain in the ass." I said. He sigh and nodded his head in understanding. "Then you may rest. I do not need to sleep. I will keep an eye on you and make sure you're safe." he said. I couldn't stop the small blush from dusting my cheeks. "Thank you, Xiao. But you need to watch over Liyue too. Don't let me distract you." "You won't. I am aware of my duties to Rex Lapis." I smiled softly and got comfortable on top of his blankets. I let out a small yawn before slowly closing my eyes. The last thing I saw was Xiao's soft gaze on me.

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