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Corvell's feet were pounding upon the sharp mountain rocks. He hated the North, nothing good had come from joining Falco's group and coming here. The girl was a heavy burden to carry. "Damn, I shouldda made her run instead of hitting her. I'll make sure it's worth it, don't worry girl." His feet felt somewhat like they were now bleeding, thinking to stop for a moment he heard a loud noise, akin to thunder. Suddenly the night had turned today, looking up he could see the heavens were aflame. Corvell's jaw was left agape. Then he noticed the silhouette of someone fly over the crest of the ridge where he himself had been not ten minutes ago. "Shit! Who is that?" panic set in, Corvell turned and fled not waiting to see who was in pursuit. The skies burning should have been a clue to how fortuitous this venture would become.

As he descended faster Corvell felt his feet being torn by the thistles and rocks. His shoes must have failed a while back. Cursing to the nines he grit his teeth then spotting a tree line and darkness beyond. He praised the heavens. "Lady luck shines for me tonight it seems." Running now toward the shelter of the forest, Corvell wondered who may be in pursuit. He thought if he would get the chance to learn their identity. "Revenge would be sweet, after I'm done with this mare." He felt slighted that anyone would dare follow him, he was used to seeing fear in the eyes of others when in confrontation. Whilst with Falco's group he had been doing the hunting, not being hunted. That 'group mentality' kept his secrets hidden and intimidated those who knew him and those that didn't usually found his demeanour unsettling enough to give him the edge.

Scoffing at his own petty worries, Corvell approached a small drop from a rock shelf before he could run to the tree line. Increasing his pace, he launched himself from the shelf and braced to take the impact of the fall. Then someone turned out the lights, the fire in the sky had gone leaving total darkness in its wake. Corvell's eyes had adjusted to the temporary brightness, leaving him completely blind without it. Next followed impact, not being able to see the ground Corvell landed hard without being able to bend in time to absorb the impact. His leg buckled and roaring pain immediately informed him of injury. He felt Ursla's limp body leave his grip and soar off in which direction he didn't know as his own mass crumpled to the floor. The ground was steeper here than Corvell had previously realised, and he felt himself starting to slide and roll, smashing his back into what felt like a large boulder knocking the wind out of him.

In Risvale itself, quite the commotion was already unfolding. The group that had previously been quarrelling with Cresius not long ago, had grown especially after the sky catching aflame. The strange thunder brought many out from their homes regardless of the cold. They had gathered where Ursla's cart was dragged to the roadside. There jabber of voices was loud and unintelligible as everyone spoke over each other and argued amongst themselves. One voice could be heard "Those damn outsiders!" Another "Arent imperials 'sposed t' protect us?" The atmosphere amongst the Icanii people of Risvale was fast becoming rancorous. Then when the fire in the sky waned and died, the flicker of torches began to erupt amongst the small gathering. Then an authoritative voice spoke out from the mob. "Look 'ere, we shoul' go up the Tor see where that light came from. Theres enough of us!" It was Malcurn. "We should protect ourselves if the Imperials wont!" came a female voice. The rabble and rancour amongst the tribesmen begun again as they all found themselves in agreement and they all began marching up the side of the tor following the tracks left in the snow.

Cresius himself was in a state of panic, he should have listened to he tribesmen. He should have alerted Brelius to the occurrence. Panting and heavily out of breath he was running through the palisade to the barracks. The fire and thunder in the sky had terrified him. Shouting "Wake up" and banging on the doors of the dorms as he ran down the barrack hall towards the captain's chambers. He was aware that the mob would require dispersing if there was to be a peaceful day tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15 ⏰

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