The Dream I Thought Impossible

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*TW for throwing up*

Tim wakes up, sun beaming into his and his fiancé's room. He basks in the warm rays of sunlight and the soft snores of his beautiful soon-to-be-wife, Lucy. He turn onto my side facing her. Her toffee, brown hair creating a halo around her head, her honey suckle skin glowing in the seeping light. He stumbled into the bathroom, washed my face and freshened up.

As Lucy woke up and grumbled Tim walked in with a tray full of food.
"Morning sleeping beauty!" he grinned placing the tray full of pancakes and a cup of coffee.
"Beauty? My hair looks like a rat nest." she yawned.
"I like your messy hair in our bed. It looks like a halo while you sleep." he lay beside her and kissed her cheek.
"Why are you being so romantic?" she yawned and her eyes fluttered open, "Awh thank you baby your so sweet." she pressed a kiss on his lips and sat up.

As soon as she sat up she ran towards the bathroom at full speed. She knelt down next to the toilet and threw up.
"Oh damn that looks unpleasant." he whispered and held her hair in one hand and rubbed her back with his other.
"No shit Sherlo-" she was interrupted by again more puke.
"Eugh this is awful." she groaned still bent over the toilet.
"At least it's before the wedding." he sighed soothing her back.
"I could get sick again in the next months time idiot," she stumbled to her feet catching her shoulder on the counter, "Why does today have to suck like this?" she moaned, drops of blood seeping out of her cut.
"We can still salvage it." he opened the counter and pulled out a box of plasters. Behind them was her tampons.
*Shit, my periods late. And I'm throwing up. Could this be morning sickness? Am I pregnant?*

"Hello? Earth to Lucy. Where have you gone?" Tim clicked his fingers in front of her face.
"Sorry, just zoned out." she nervously laughed and stood up exiting the bathroom.
"Hey? Are you okay?" he asked grabbing her arm gently.
"Yeah, fine. I promise," she smiled and walked to their bed, "now it's time for breakfast then work." she hoped the topic would end.
"Okay.." he was still unsure if she was lying or not but he decided to drop it.

"Hey Angela can I talk to you?" Lucy asked her fumbling with her fingers.
"Of course." she smiled and followed her fellow detective to an interrogation room.
"I think I'm pregnant." she smiled weakly as Angela's jaw dropped.
"Oh. My. Gosh! A mini Chen-Bradford how adorable! How do you know?" she squealed hopping around.
"My periods late by a few weeks and this morning I threw up all my insides. And when we get married I'm just going for Lucy Bradford." she grimaced at the thought of the morning.
"Bradford baby then! You are so pregnant! Do you want me to buy you a test so Tim doesn't ask questions?" she asked face beaming.
"Yes please. Don't tell anyone, not even Nyla." she smiled at her and Tim's mutual best friend.
"Lips sealed! I better be this cutie's godmother or hell's coming your way Lucy!" she skipped out still grinning. Lucy laughed and returned to her desk.

"Here's the tests," Angela whispered and smuggled them into Lucy's hand, "Are you taking them now?"
"Yes, can you be there when I find out?" Lucy's hands were shaking as reality slowly hit her.
"Of course Lucy. I am this baby's godmother after all." she winked and smiled.
"Not confirmed baby," she sighed as she walked into the bathroom "I'll be quick."
"You better be I am dying of excitement here." she laughed and sat on the bench outside the bathroom.
Lucy unlocked the door and let Angela in, two pregnancy tests lying there face down. Now it was just the waiting game of 10 minutes.
"Longest 10 minutes of my life I hate this." Angela moaned when they hit the 6 minute mark. Lucy chuckled as she paced the bathroom.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
The timer was done.

"Oh shit reality hitting real hard right now." Lucy giggled nervously, unshed tears resting on the brink of her eye lid.
"I'm here Lucy, positive which it definitely is, or negative. What do you want it to be?" Angela hugged her and tears rolled down Lucy's cheek.
"Positive," she replied meekly, "but what if Tim doesn't want a baby yet?"
"He does trust me. He wanted a few with Isabel but life blew up in his face. He loves you more than he ever did her. He definitely wants kids. If it is negative I'm sure you could ask him to try? I mean Tamara has been asking for support because she always hears yo-" she chuckled.
"Oh my God." she laughed, blushing and smirking.
"Well are you ready for the big reveal?" Angela hugged Lucy's arm in support.
"Yeah..," Lucy grabbed the tests with her shaking hands "Please be positive." she whispered as she flipped the test.

Both women squealed and broke down crying.
"I'm pregnant!" Lucy sobbed happy tears as she embraced Angela.
"I'm going to be a godmother to my best friend's child!" Angela cried smiling.
"How do I tell Tim?" she asked still sobbing.
"I have an idea." Angela smirked.

"Baby I'm home!" Tim yelled as he threw his bag on the floor. There were rose petals leading to the bedroom door and Tim smirked.
Lucy lay there next to a little white box topped with a blue and pink bow. Hi Daddy helium balloons floating above the box. He was oblivious to if it was to fool around or something else.
"I swear if this is a baby powder bomb-" he grimaced at the memory of the powder bomb she gave him a few weeks back.
"It's not I promise." she smiled eyes filling with tears.
He unravelled the bow and held the lid ready to lift it. He took a deep breath thinking it was a bomb.

He opened one eye and looked down. A dad jokes book, a fluffy bear onesie and two positive pregnancy tests. He took a few seconds to absorb what he was looking down at and looked back up at Lucy, tears streaming down both of their cheeks with big smiling grins.
"You're- you're pregnant?" he whispered in disbelief as he picked up the tests and onesie.
"Yeah. You're not mad?" she sniffled still smiling.
"Mad? I'm so excited you're going to be a mother and I'll be a father," he grabbed her and kissed her passionately eyes and face still soaked, "A father to the child of the woman I love the most, we are going to be some kick ass parents."

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