Pregnancy Test | Niklaus Mikaelson

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     You had been dating Niklaus for almost a year now. Just four months ago you guys had taken the relationship to the next level. One you had never taken with a guy before so when your period was late you begun to worry. You were only twenty five and had not even began to think about having a family but you knew if you did it would be with Niklaus.

So as you sat in the ensuite of your shared bedroom waiting for the timer to go off, your body shook slightly as you tried to calm your nerves by doing some breathing techniques you used to calm yourself from having panic attacks.

Suddenly the timer on your phone went off, alerting you that the test would be ready to see. This test could change your life forever and you would be stuck having to care for another human. Were you even ready for that? You weren't sure.

You took a deep breath as you stood up from the floor you sat on. You walked over to the sink where the test sat upside down so you wouldn't see it right away. Your left hand reached out for it, grabbing it in your shaking hand.

You wanted to know but you were nervous. You had no idea how you were going to tell Niklaus that you were pregnant with his child. You knew Rebekah would be happy, you both saw each other as best friends, basically sister so you knew whatever happened between you and Niklaus, Rebekah had your back.

Tears slowly started to pour of your eyes as you turned the test to the front so you could see the long awaited answer. There were two lines. You knew that meant you were pregnant. You dropped the stick into the sink as your breath was caught in your throat.

"Y/n, I'm home," you heard Nik's voice call out as he entered your shared bedroom. You wanted to call back out to him but your brain was racing everywhere. You were not sure what to do. You could hear Niklaus's footsteps get closer to the bathroom door. "Y/N, everything alright in there?" His worried voice asks through the door. Without a second answer he opens the unlocked door and looks at the situation at hand.

You were stood at the sink. Your head held down as you tried to catch your breath as tears begged to fall down your face. You finally dare look at your boyfriend who gives you a concerned look as he walks towards you. He then sees the stick in the sink. He stops as realization pours over him.

Instead of getting angry he takes you into a hug against his body. "Whatever you choose to do with this baby I will stand right beside you. I love you, Y/N. I would be honoured to be the father of the baby if you decide to keep it. And you would be such a great mother. As I've seen you with Hope I know you would fit the role perfectly. And you won't have to do this alone," Niklaus whispers into your ear.

Before you knew it you could breath and think properly as you looked up to him. A big smile sat on your lips. He knew exactly what you needed to hear to know what you wanted to choose. Deep down you always wanted to be a Mom but your own Mom wasn't the greatest growing up and you didn't want to be like her. With Niklaus by your side though, you knew you'd be able to raise your own kid the way that you wanted.

"I want to be a Mom," you tell Niklaus.

Niklaus lets go of you with a large smile on his face and kneels down onto his knees in front of you and holds onto your belly under neath your shirt. You had never seen Niklaus so willingly kneel down in front of anyone. And you watch as he places a kiss on your stomach. The two of you each had smiles on your faces as you smiled down at Niklaus and Niklaus smiled up at you.

You knew you were making the right choice. 

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