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"What's going on here?"

We let go of each other and I see Israel looking at both of us, especially me. "Nothing, I was just comforting her" Kevin says. "Well I got it from here, so you can leave" Israel says.

"Listen Israel, I understand you're her boyfriend, but I'm her best friend and she needs me" He says. "Your right I am her boyfriend, and I should be the one to comfort her, not you. Im going to be part of her life forever, so she doesn't need you anymore. Im going to ask you to leave" Israel says.

I could see Kevin tense up, and I grabbed his arm. "I'm okay Kevin, don't worry" I say. Israel comes up to me and kisses my lips. "Alright, I'll see you later Liv" Kevin  said while looking at Israel.

Israel gently took me inside the house. Once he closed the door he looks at me with full of anger. "What the hell were you two doing?" He said. "Nothing, we didn't do anything" I said. "Why was he over then?" He said.

"He came to check up on me" I said. "Why?" He said getting closer to me. "I don't know" I said as my body hits the wall. He came so close to me our nose was touching. "You didn't tell him about, you know what?" He said.

"No, I didn't" I said and he kisses my lips once again.
"If Kevin or your brothers or anyone ever finds out about what's been going on, you're dead, you hear me" he said and I quickly nod.

"Thats my girl" he said caressing my cheek. He slowly walks backwards and he goes upstairs. I slide down the wall while shaking. My heart was beating so fast, it felt like I couldn't breathe.

I got up and I quickly ran outside wishing Kevin was still there. I fell to the ground while trying to calm my body down but I couldn't. My anxiety was taking control of me.

I look around the neighborhood trying to get some help but unfortunately I had to deal with this on my own, once again.

20 minutes later I was slowly calming down, my breathing and my heart was slowly going back to normal. "Don't tell me you're having these stupid attacks again" I heard Israel say.

He picks me up and he took me inside. "How many times do I have to tell you It's all in your fucking head" he said poking my head really hard. "I know but I can't control it" I said. "Well you have to cause it's embarrassing" he said.

"Embarrassing?" I said. "Do you not know what embarrassing is?!" He said. "Yes I do but how is it embarrassing?" I said. "People are going to think you're crazy and that's embarrassing for me" he said.

"If I'm embarrassing then why are you still with me?" I said. "Because I'm a fucking idiot" he says. "If you don't want me then let me leave" I said. "Never. You're stuck with me forever, and ever, and ever" he said walking backwards.

"I'm going to the club with the boys" he said leaving the house. I go upstairs to my room and i grabbed my box I had hidden. This is a memory box. I keep every picture of my family, friends, and other stuff as well.

I opened the box and the very first picture was a picture of my two best friends. My brothers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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