Country of Storms vs Holy Empire, Begin! (P/1)

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Rimuru's Office
Narrators POV

The country of Tempest had become relatively peaceful in the past months, the war with Eurazania didn't escalate ever since Rimuru destroyed and killed Carrion in a fight. The citizens of Eurazania had been devastated by the loss of their leader, but none of them tried to enact revenge. Rimuru concluded that they were probably hiding in the shadows, plotting what they must do next and how they must approach him.

The monster population had steadily increased as more and more individuals from other settlements started to live in Tempest. It was a bit hectic at first considering the swarms of monsters entering the country at once, but they managed.

Now, the country of Tempest has begun to prosper and progress on a massive scale. Each and every race, specializing in their fields, was working together to create a comfortable lifestyle. Although there were a few instances where some monsters held grudges or had egos, a little bit of strictness and intimidation was enough to keep them in place. Granted, the tension between the species did remain, but at least it didn't hinder their daily life.

Rimuru looked through the papers in his hands, they weren't paperwork but his random notes that he made out of sheer boredom. These notes specialized in general knowledge regarding each of the races present in Tempest, what they specialized in, and their history.

The first was, of course, the Goblins. They were skilled at many things, but they were masters at none. Their usefulness and reliability came from the fact they came in massive numbers, mainly because in early Jura they had become so used to death that they practically evolved to reproduce as much as possible. Of course, their reproductive rates had dropped a lot ever since Tempest was established, but they were still the highest-numbering race in the forest.

Next came the Ogres. They were mostly specialized in combat, although a few took an interest in other things as well. They were born with intrinsic skills that made them suited for war, and dying in battle whilst serving a powerful master was the greatest honor for them. They were usually placed into patrol groups that surveyed the city and surroundings to ensure the citizen's protection in the case of an attack.

Next came the Orcs. The orcs boasted and possessed brute strength surpassing the ogres, but their weakness lay in their massive bodies that greatly reduced their agility and speed. They proved to be excellent at labour and quite literally any building that was made in Tempest was made by them. They were the most reliable race when it came to developing Tempest, and their diligence and kind-hearted nature made them loved by all races.

These were the most abundant races and the first to join Tempest, witnessing its development from scratch. They were categorized as the "first generation of races".

Next came the "second generation of races", races that joined Tempest during its rise and stayed to watch its phenomenal growth.

These included the Kobolds, Beastmen, Lizardmen, Gozu and Mezu.

The Kobolds were nomadic tribesmen who degenerated from Beastmen. They lacked fighting capabilities, but they compensated for it with their high intelligence. The Kobolds had established various reserved stands where they traded goods with the locals whenever they used to return. Some of them had decided to work in Tempest as merchants, granted permission from Rimuru himself.

The Beastmen were similar to the ogres, who lived to serve a powerful Master. However, the difference between the two was that Beastmen were smarter in exchange for lower strength. Ogres boasted great physical capabilities and immense magicules output, whilst Beastmen focused more on agility and using their brains to fight. These guys also took an interest in other topics as well, so they were in a similar state to the Goblins.

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