Chapter 1

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Andi's pov
"Scott! stop making so much noise" I yelled from my room.
"I thought that was you!" Scott said as he came into my room
. "If it's not me or you, then what's the noise?" I exclaimed.
"sounds like it's coming from outside, come one lets go look." He tells me as he walks back to my bedroom door from my computer desk.
"If I'm going too we're taking this bat." I told him as I picked up the bat from my closet.
Now I know what you're thinking. Why does she have a bat in her closet? well I play softball, and volleyball, and basketball, but that's beside the point.
"Andi, have I ever told you you're weak."Scott whispered to me while smiling.
"Do you want me to hit you with bat, because I will." I whispered back. We were walking slowly on the porch, when a body flung down from our roof. "AHHHH" both Scott and I screamed until we realized it was our best friend Stiles.
"Stiles, what the hell are you doing??" I yelled at him "You guys weren't answering your phones!" he yelled then got calmer. "Why do you have a bat." he said pointing to the bat in my hand.
" I didn't know what was out here, you could have been a predator!" I exclaimed with a little sass.
I may not be a girly girl but I can still be sassy.
"A pre-" he laughs at me with his adorable smile and gorgeous eyes I just want to get lost in... wait No. stop. Andie, you can't think of stiles like that he's your best friend. But he's so cute. No stop.
"Anyway, guys I know it's late, but you have to go change. Both of you, you have got see this. They're bringing every officer in Beacon department, and even the state police." stiles exclaimed getting kind of excited.
Awe it's cute when he does that.
"For what" Scott asks cleary confused. Stiles finally gets down from our roof, well falls
"They found a body in the woods."
"A dead one?" Scott exclaimed. I swear he can be so stupid sometimes.
What? I'm aloud to say that I'm his sister
"No, a live one....yes, jackass! a dead body." stiles says sarcastically,as we get in his jeep. I would have sat in the front but Scott beat me to it.
Scott doesn't know I like stiles as maybe. no definetly more than a friend, and he definitely can't find out.
1. he wouldn't approve
2. He would tell stiles, which would be the worst thing ever. and
3.he wouldn't leave me alone about it because I'm his twin sister and he wants to protect me from everything.
"Hold on," I say jumping back into the conversation "If they found a dead body what are they looking for?" Stiles got all excited just so that he could tell me "That's the best part... they only found half! we're going." Its going to be a long night....


The next day at school was weird. Scott was acting strange and wouldn't tell me why although I know he told Stiles. They keep whispering to each other in class but I can't understand what they are saying.
I sit next to Stiles in front of Scott.
We were in the woods and Scott was trailing behind me and Stiles because he couldn't breathe.
He uses an inhaler by the way.
Stiles and I saw a policeman's flashlight beam into our eyes, as Scott hid behind one of a thousand trees in these woods.
"Hang on, these two belong to me." Sheriff Stillinski said as he made a 'you guys are in trouble' look at us. Scott still no where in sight.
" Dad, how you doing?" Stiles said trying to be casual like we weren't doing anything wrong. Which we were... I mean trying to find a dead body isn't exactly good for high school students with no experience to be doing. let alone anyone with no experience should be doing, in the middle of the night.
" Where's your other partner in crime?" Sheriff asked looking at both of us, wondering where Scott was.
"oh, Scotts home, he wanted to get a good sleep for the first day tomorrow." I said entering the conversation between Stiles and his dad.
" Yea, its just and the woods...alone." Stiles trailed tried to cover for us, and I think his dad was buying it.
"OH.. so you two are on a date?" sheriff stillinski smirked at us with raising eyebrows. Both Stiles and I went wide eyed. I started getting really nervous so I made something up quickly
"No!, Just two friends hanging out in the woods." Stiles looked hurt when I said that. Did he like me back? probably not.
"y-yea, j-just friends. "Stiles responded back to his dad who was giving him a 'I know you're lying' look. Not about the liking each other thing, but about being in the woods. I kind of wish he was lying about just being friends though, honestly.
" Stiles take Andi home, i'll meet you at the house later. you're in trouble." As soon as sheriff told stiles that he took me to his baby blue jeep opened the door for me like he always does and got in the driver side.
We drove home in silence. Not like an awkward one but comfortable. Stiles walked me to the door last night.I waited for Scott to get home but I fell asleep.
After class I followed Stiles to my locker, luckily it was lunch time so always leans up against it to wait for me. "Hey." Stiles smiled at me as I walked to him. "What happened last night?" I didn't even bother saying 'hey' back. I was mad. obviously he could tell to by the look on his face.
"what are you talking about?" Stiles asked obviously confused.
"After we left, what happened to Scott? I know you know. he tells you everything." I said. you could tell by the sound of my voice I was hurt.
"He tells you everything to, and I don't know." "Stiles don't lie to me." I looked him straight into his brown gorgeous eyes trying not to get lost in them.
"okay he told me. but I can't tell you, I'm sorry, he told me not to." he exclaimed feeling bad that he couldn't say anything.
"Stiles you're my bestfriend, and Scotts my brother, I don't like you guys keeping stuff from me." I said softly.
"neither do I, but he'll tell you eventually, but in till then please don't be mad at me that I can't."
"okay," Man his eyes are amazing, and so easy to get lost in.
"how grounded are you for last night?" I asked in all seriousness. "I'm not," he chuckled.
" I told him it was your fault and that you dragged me out there to see the stars."
" You did not! oh you're dead Stillinski!" I said chasing Stiles to the cafeteria.
The rest of the day was great, until I heard Scott and Stiles talking in his room. That's when it all went to hell.

A/N This is my first fanfiction story so bare with me at I'm basing a few storylines in the beginning from episodes of teen wolf just to get the juices going
I dont own any of teen wolf characters of storylines
I own Andi

sarcasm is my only defense-stiles stillinski love storyWhere stories live. Discover now