Chapter two

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Few Days Later

Stiles Pov.
"I don't see why you just wont tell her." I said getting frustrated with Scott.
Andi and Scott are my best friends. Scotts like my brother, and Andi ,well I've had a crush on her for like ever. Everyone thinks I'm obsessed with Lydia, in all reality, it's just to cover up my feelings for Andi. She can't know I like her:
1. She probably doesn't like me back.
2.It could ruin our friendship.
3. Scott would probably kill me for liking his sister, right?
Yea I can't risk it.
"Look Stiles, I just can not tell Andi, okay. It's to protect her." Scott said explained.
"Protect me from what?!" Andi said bursting into Scotts room.
Oh, crap. This is bad.

Andi's Pov.
So after school today I went shopping with Lydia. Oh, you don't know who she is? Well she's my best friend. Second to Stiles. Speaking of Stiles, he's had a crush on her since we were little. Don't get me wrong, I love Lydia to death, but I'm beyond jealous of her when it come to Stiles. Ugh Lydia Martin and Stiles Stillinski.
When Lydia dropped me off at home a blue jeep was parked in my driveway. Who else do I know that owns that jeep besides Stiles. Exactly, Which only meant he was here. Oh great. I went in the house and heard Scott and Stiles talking in his room. I didn't hear their whole conversation, but once I heard my name I had to go in.
"Look, Stiles I just can not tell Andi, okay. It's to protect her." Scott explained to Stiles.
"Protect me from what?!" I knew they were hiding something serious from me.
"Andi-" Stiles started, but I cut him off.
"Seriously Scott, there is nothing you can protect me from if I don't know anything about what or who is trying to hurt me. Okay! If anything I'm in more danger not knowing." I said now yelling. I'm beyond furious and hurt. What can't they tell me?
"Andi, I'm sorry I just-" Stiles started again obviously feeling bad for me.
" No, Stiles, lets just tell her."" Scott exclaimed looking down to the floor.
"Why do you two always cut me off." Stiles chuckled smiling at me.
I looked back at Scott. He looked back up at me. Yellow. His eyes were bright yellow.
"Scott, what's wrong with your eyes?" I backed up from him, getting closer to Stiles.
" Andi I'm not protecting you from something you don't know. I'm trying to protect you from me. I'm a werewolf."
He's lying.
"Haha, you're kidding right?" I laughed. Oh they are being serious.
"Stiles you knew about this when I asked you and you didn't think to tell me?" I looked right into his eyes, hurt spread across my face. Scratch that. Not hurt. Anger. "And you." I said pointing to Scott. " You're my brother, If something like this happened to me, you'd be the first to know. I trust you with everything. Obviously it's not the same for you." I yelled before turning out of his room, down the stairs and slammed the door behind me. I had to get out of that house. I didn't want to be near Scott, or hear anything either of them had to say.

Scotts Pov.
Andi hates me. My own sister hates my guts because I kept this from her. If I just would have told her when I told Stiles, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.

Stiles Pov.
I should have told Andi. Now she's mad at me.
" Look Scott my dad needs me home, I'll text you later." I told Scott lying.
I never lie to Scott except when it comes to Andi. I think I know where she went. I left their house and started driving to Andi. I know her. She likes to think.

Andi's Pov.
I walked to the woods. Specifically the we call the 'think' rock. Me and Stiles found it a few years ago. Around the time I started liking him as more than a friend. We never told Scott, it was our secret. Our secret only.
" I thought I'd find you here." I jumped at the sound of Stiles voice.
" How'd you know I was here?"
"this is how we play hide and seek." Stiles smiled at me.
"you always know where I'm hiding don't you?" I said smiling at my best friend.
Stiles sat down next to me on our 'think' rock. We sat in silence for awhile until I broke it.
"Stiles, why didn't you tell me about Scott?" I asked softly looking at him.
" I love you Andi, but Scotts your brother, and my best friend, I had to respect that he didn't want me to tell you." Stiles sighed looking right into my eyes.
We sat there staring into each others eyes, for a few seconds before we both started leaning in. Our lips were about to touch when Stiles phone went off and we both jumped away from each other. Stiles and I both felt the awkwardness between us as he talked to his dad.
" there soon...bye dad." I ony heard part of their conversation.
"Andi.. I can stay." Stiles said softly.
" No, Stiles, go be with your dad. I'll be fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." I said smiling at him as he smiled back. Stiles left and I was left alone now, on the 'think' rock thinking about my brother, about how Stiles and I almost kissed, about everything.

A/N hey guys sorry I haven't updated I'v been on vacation but I wanted to post the first chapter before I left. I am working on writing chapter 3 and I'll update as soon as possible. Hopefully tomorrow. Now it's time for me to go watch the new season of Teen wolf :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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