22~ Tsunami Of Emotions...

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Author's POV

"I want to talk with Alshansh Sin... gha..niya," he blurted out in his baby voice and all the people present there turned to look at the intruder except one whose head burned in anger at this unexpected interruption.

But to other people's surprise, they have to lower their eyes too much to look at the courageous little human standing in the lion's den.

Their jaws dropped seeing their CEO's little reflection standing in front of them without any fear in his eyes, all of them were sure their CEO would have looked the same when he was little.

Except for those noodles on that little boy's head, they didn't resemble their Sir's hair, maybe he inherited it from his mother.

Ardhansh forcefully lifted his eyes to look at the person who had enough guts to raise his voice only to get dumbfounded after seeing the tiny thing standing at the door in his all glory.

His eyes wandered on his little face, brown orbs, cute little nose, extremely chubby cheeks with a pink tint, little pouty lips, and curly thick black hair falling on his forehead already resembling someone whom he adored more than anyone.

He was wearing knee-length black shorts with a pink T-shirt and a little yellow bag hanging on his shoulder.

Did he need any DNA tests? Maybe A big No, his jaw clenched while thousands of questions swirled inside his mind.

"I want to talk to you," Aeh said without stuttering for once and proving to him that of course, it was his sperm.

There is no way anyone ever got the courage to stare into his eyes if it's not his blood or his dears, not even a few of his friends have that courage.

"Out," he absent-mindedly ordered and all of the employees emptied the room one by one, except Yagya, Akhil and Vansh.

"Come Here," his voice didn't soften for once, it wasn't the tone he used with Ayaan it was harsh, not harsher, but enough dominant to tremble anyone but the person standing against him was his blood.

Aehraan didn't flinch, that roar wasn't unknown to him, because his back profile was filled with many more harsh things than any kid could ever endure at the age of four.

He walked near him with his tiny legs without averting his eyes for once, he wanted that man to understand that he wasn't weak, not baby for sure.

He tried to pull the chair with his one hand which was taller than his height and failed miserably.

This time he applied both his hands and pulled the chair, while Akhil who was controlling his laugh for so long chuckled lowly only to see both father and son glaring at him with the same anger radiating through their eyes.

"May I go out Sir," he immediately asked but Ardhansh didn't say anything, he knew it was time to get out and ran from there, while Yagya and Vansh both had the same expression as each other, a pure shock.

Aeh struggled to sit on the chair but it was looking so impossible with his short height.

Ardhansh grabbed his T-shirt with his two fingers and lifted him before placing him on the chair, a small smile pulled up on his lips as he stared at the little boy before him but he immediately hid it and decided to hear whatever was coming to him.

Grave (Ashes sequel) #2|18+  (LL Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now