Chapter 47 : Potter I think you better come with me.

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"The reason is because of this" said Amelia Bones, holding a parchment and showing it through the mirror.

"What is it?" asked Harry, his eyes narrowed.

"It's a direct order from the Minister of Magic, to prevent the DMLE from interfering in the attacks of the students at Hogwarts. It claims that the DMLE could contaminate the evidence at the crime scene, and that makes no sense, considering we're the highest investigative authority in the country! Fudge says that his own office would deal with the matter" she spat angrily.

"How does the Minister have so much power as to stop a DMLE investigation like that?" asked Harry angrily.

"He doesn't" replied Amelia. "But he can do so if he gets approval from some of the Heads of Departments in the Ministry as well as approval of some members of the Wizengamot. Fudge only does what he is told; and in this case, it's Lucuis Malfoy and Albus Dumbledore. You say that Malfoy is behind the attacks, so he has done his best in making sure that I stay the hell away from the investigation, and Dumbledore is still angry that I interfered in what he says to be 'Hogwarts business' during the Lockhart incident. There is too much red tape, and my hands are tied."

Harry sighed in frustration when Amelia spoke up again. "You said that you heard a voice, right?"

"Yes" said Harry. "It's like an echo, I can only make out the words, but I can't exactly tell where the voice is coming from. I'm pretty sure it can speak, and the creatures that can speak are Acromantulas, Sphinxes, Centaurs and Manticores. But none of them cause petrification and how is it possible for any such creature to attack its victims and not be seen?" he asked irritated that he had not figured it out.

"Any luck finding out when the Chamber was last opened?" he asked.

"None" said Amelia, looking grim. "There are no such records in the Hall of records or in the DMLE. Either the incident never came to the purview of the DMLE or someone wiped them clean. I'm having my people ensure that no such evidence ever is removed from the Ministry. I'm sorry Harry."

"It's alright, Aunt Amy, you did your best" said Harry.

"Do you want to file a complaint against all that hate mail you've received? It's quite easy for you to do that as you're the Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter" asked Amelia.

Harry shook his head and answered "To what end? I could easily do it, but the public would only target me more. Using my power is not the issue, but the repercussions of my actions could result in a major backlash, something I'm sure my opponents would use to their advantage."

"Very well" said Amelia. "I see your point. But do let me know in case you change your mind, Harry. Good night and sweet dreams." She then deactivated the mirror, leaving Harry to his thoughts.

********************TIME SKIP*********************

The second years were given something new to think about in April. The time had come for them to choose their subjects for their third year. Harry and Daphne sat in the Room of Requirement and discussed it.

"I'm definitely taking Ancient Runes and Arithmancy" said Daphne.

"Me too, but do we want to take Care of Magical Creatures? That's the only option available. Taking that will be three subjects, the maximum electives we're allowed to take. The other options are Divination and Muggle Studies, and I'm definitely not interested in both" said Harry.

Daphne chewed on her lip and said "Let's take Care of Magical Creatures. It could be fun. If we want we can always sit the exam for muggle studies later on if we're interested."

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