I like him but he likes someone else.

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I like this guy since 3rd grade. He doesn't even know I existed. I was shy and quiet that time that's why he doesn't know I existed. I found his account and decided to message him. I said "hello I'm Francine" it took a while for him to reply back and he said "hello I'm Nathaniel, your classmate" and we started talking and one day he asked. "Did you like me when we were grade 3?" I said "yes hoe did you know?" Then he didn't reply.

Next week. I saw him. We don't talk in person but talk in chats. Sometimes he catches me looking at him. I was so shy to see him cuz I said that I liked him.

After a few years I was turning 16 at January 24. At my birthday my friend said "put this on." And I came inside my classroom wearing a blindfold and my friend said "take the blind fold off" and I took my blind fold off and my nate was in front of me with flowers and cake. He said "happy birthday Francine!!" After that I blew the candles then he suddenly hugged me. But that was just for my birthday. He still doesn't like me.

After a few months me and Nate were playing games and we fought because of my cousin. And my cousin said "my cousin liked you" and Nate said "I don't care I like yohannah anyways" me and my cousin was schocked. By the way yohannah is my friend. I hated her after that. Yohannah also likes Nate. And they started dating.

I kept seeing them hugging and walking together and eating together. I always get jealous. Wishing that should be me. And my friends started shipping them. My friends know I liked Nate.

After a few years Nate gave a promise ring for yohannah. I was right there when he did that. I was just staring at them and over thinking. And my friends said that they look good together in front of me.

After a few years they were getting married and Nate messaged me if I could be the one playing the piano for their wedding. "Hey Francine. I heard that you were playing piano at weddings. Can you be the one playing for our wedding?" I replyed "sure.."

The wedding day came and I was the just watching them getting married. We went to the reseption after that. And I was the one singing and playing the piano. I sang that should be me and played it on my piano. I started tearing up and everyone saw it because I'm on the stage. And someone told Nate that I was crying and Nate remembered that I liked him before. "She still like me...?"
And after I sang Nate came up to me and asked "are you okay? Why we're you crying?" I didn't said anything and started to sing and playing piano again.

Nate messaged me after the wedding.
"Hey.. Are you okay? You were crying earlier" i replayed. "Yes. I was absolutely fine" but I wasn't..

One night I was in my car going at a grocery store to buy some stuffs. And I got bumepd into a tree. It was dark thats why I didn't saw the car. "OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY.. wait.. Francine?" I heard nate's voice.. But I can't see anything. "I'm so sorry" and Nate picked me up and went to the hospital.

The doctors said to wait outside. After that they called nate and said. "She's dead." And Nate cried and messaged yohannah "yana! Francine is dead" yohannah didn't reply cuz she was with her friend or boyfriend. Yes she's cheating.

Yana told her boyfriend to go leave the house cuz Nate is coming. Nate arrived and yohannah asked "why are you crying?" Nate said "Francine is dead."

"Why do you even care? I'm here, I'm your wife" Nate looked at yohannah and said "you're cheating on me right?"
"H-huh? What no I could never do that"

"Then who's that boy outside?" Yohannah was schocked and said "fine I was cheating on you" and Nate got mad and said "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!"
"Fine" then yohannah packed her stuff and left.

Nate cried. "She didn't know that I still like her. I was just forced to get married with yohannah"

Yes. Nate was forced to be married with yohannah because of his dads business.
Nate doesn't want to but hes dad said so.

Nate also liked Francine since grade 5. But he was to shy to confess because he thought that Francine doesn't like him because he rejected her.

Nate suicide after Francine died because of depression.

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