Chapter 2

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Ibis was floating through space. 

She passed countless planets and stars. Nebulas and meteors. Comets and little clouds of gas. 

But....what was that? 

Ibis's scales turned lime with horror. In front of her was a giant black hole, sucking everything, even light, into its abyss. 

And she was headed straight for it.  

She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Even sound couldn't escape the giant monster that was about to swallow her whole. 

"Ibis! Iiiiiiiibiiiiiiiis!!!" 

Ibis opened her eyes to see Magnolia shaking her violently. 

"IBIS! I-BIS! I-B-I-S! WAKE UP!" Magnolia shouted as she shook the RainWing back and forth. "Woah woah stop! I'm gonna get whiplash!" Magnolia let go of Ibis's shoulders and stepped back. "She's awake everybody!" 

"It's about time!" 

"We're gonna be late!" 

"C'mon guys, give her some slack!" Calypso stepped forward and took Ibis's yellow talon in her blue-grey one. "Rise-and-shine, sleepy head!" The room was bright. The morning light seeped through the curtains that covered the circular window. Verdin and Marmot stood at the door. Ibis blinked, her eyes adjusting.

What's today? Where am I-OH! 

It took a while to shake off the grip of sleep and get back to reality. Ibis suddenly remembered! She was at school, and today was exploring day! She looked around at everyone. "What are you doing?! We're gonna miss exploring, guys! C'mon!" She hurried through the door as  Calypso, Magnolia, Verdin, and Marmot followed her. 

The five dragonets hurried into the great hall, which was already almost full with dragonets everywhere. Light filled the giant cave and reflected off the Dragonets of Destiny statue. Somehow, it all seemed brighter, louder, more awesome than the day before. 

Now that I have friends, It doesn't seem so scary

They stood awkwardly in the doorway, not sure where to go. Should they risk getting separated in the bustling crowd? Or go back to their dorm and spend the rest of the day bored? Magnolia seemed to have made her decision because she stepped forward into the hurrying sea of dragons. "Follow me!" she called over her shoulder. 

The group followed. Ibis was careful not to get her talons stepped on by the other dragons. She failed, miserably. But they made it to where Magnolia was leading them: A pile of boulders that made a nice place to sit and talk. The five dragonets settled on the rocks. Ibis and Magnolia on the top ones, then Calypso, Marmot, and Verdin. 

The girls chatted for a while until a group of male dragonets showed up. A HiveWing, NightWing, SeaWing, MudWing, IceWing, and a weird-looking dragon with glasses. Ibis hadn't seen anyone like him before, even in the Rainforest where dragons came in every color. His scales were yellowish-beige with hints of red along his spine and he had black stripes. The ruff on his back was gold. And his four wings were slightly bat-shaped. From the look of him, Ibis guessed that he was a Hybrid of some sort. 

"Excuse me," the small teal SeaWing piped up, "But are you part of the Amber Winglet?" 

A chorus of quiet "yes"s followed his question. Only Calypso didn't answer. She was too busy staring at the IceWing. 

"Oh, well," The SeaWing spoke again, "We're your other half." 

"What?" Magnolia looked confused. 

"I mean we're the other part of the Amber Wingler too."


A very awkward silence followed this short conversation, broken when the SeaWing piped up again. 

"Mind if we, um, join you?" 

"Free continent." Verndin shrugged. 

The boy dragons sat in an awkward huddle to the right of the rocks. The closest one was the IceWing, who started up a small conversation with Calypso. His purplish-white scales were very shiny. Ibis would have to mention that in a letter home. For now, she continued to stare at the hybrid. So this was the dragon who took Branchleaper's place. Normally she would have been furious, but for some strange reason, she found it hard to be irritated with him. 

He must have felt her staring because he suddenly shifted his brown-eyed gaze in her direction. Ibis quickly looked away, blushing slightly. 

This is what I get for staring at people. He must think I'm weird! 

After a minute of awkwardness (and listening to Calypso talking to the IceWing), Magnolia suggested they all introduce themselves to each other. 

Oh great. I'm going to have to speak! Haven't I met enough new dragons?

It turned out, that the small SeaWing's name was Oscar. An odd name for a SeaWing, yes. He was named after the fish from his mother's home. (Seriously. There is a species of fish called Oscar. I had to. ) The HiveWing's name was Pharoh. Ibis took note of his very red scales. The IceWing was called Stoat. The MudWing was Caiman. When it was his turn, he muttered his name and then continued to look back at his talons. The NightWing's name was Adventureseeker. As his name might suggest, he was very hyperactive. 

Then it was the hybrid's turn. 

"My name is Beetle."

Beetle. Huh. Ibis thought. She had a feeling in her gut. One that she'd never felt before. 

I'm not a NightWing, but why do I feel like he's going to come up a lit in my future? 

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