Prologue: Sparks Ignite

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"Tell em your boyfriend will set them straight!"

"Honey, I love you but I promise it's not anything serious."

The dimly lit underground space was filled with the rhythmic sounds of tired grunts and fervent cheers as Hwoarang faced off against a formidable opponent in yet another intense match. His crimson hair reflected the glow of the backlights, adding to the fiery atmosphere that surrounded him. His opponent fought valiantly, but Hwoarang's fiery spirit and exceptional skills prevailed once again.

"Pathetic," he sneered, unable to contain his arrogance as he glanced over his shoulder to find Seo-An, his girlfriend, observing the match with a wry smile.

Seo-An leaned against the barrier, her arms crossed as she watched Hwoarang finish the round with a devastating combo. The onlookers couldn't help but murmur in admiration of the Korean fighter's prowess.

"Your ego knows no bounds," Seo-An remarked, a teasing glint in her eyes. "But I have to admit, it's part of your charm."

Hwoarang turned to face her, his expression softening as he welcomed the familiar banter. "You know you love it."

A playful smirk danced on Seo-An's lips as she pushed herself off the machine. "Maybe I do," she conceded, "but you're lucky I find arrogance endearing."

Hwoarang chuckled, appreciating the unique dynamic they shared. Despite his hot-headed nature, Seo-An had a way of grounding him, bringing out a side of him that few were privileged to witness.

As they left the underground fighting arena together, Hwoarang draped an arm casually over Seo-An's shoulders. Their camaraderie was evident in the comfortable silence that enveloped them. But even as they strolled through the neon-lit streets, Hwoarang couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to change.

At a bustling street vendor, Seo-An stopped to examine a display of handmade trinkets. Her eyes lit up with interest, and she gently disentangled herself from Hwoarang's arm to get a closer look.

"Hwoarang, look at this," she exclaimed, holding up a small, intricately crafted charm.

He raised an eyebrow, feigning disinterest. "What's so special about it?"

Seo-An shot him a teasing grin. "It's a symbol of good luck and protection. Thought it might come in handy for someone who's always picking fights."

Hwoarang smirked, recognizing the playful jab. "You trying to tame the wild, Seo-An?"

She chuckled, tucking the charm into the pocket of his leather jacket. "Just making sure you come back to me in one piece, hotshot."

Their laughter echoed through the city streets, unaware that the fateful encounter with the small charm would mark the beginning of a new chapter in their lives—one where the fiery spirit of Hwoarang would find an anchor in the unwavering strength of Seo-An.

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