New baby brother (eng)

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   Little Winxy was sitting at the back of her uncle's car riding to the hospital. She practically begged her uncle the whole morning until he agreed to take her and her little twin brothers too, of course, to the hospital. She couldn't sleep all night from the excitement of having another sibling but still was full of energy in the morning to convince her uncle to go visit her mother in the hospital.

   When they arrived, the nurse instantly knew who to connect with the little ginger head and right after they entered she welcomed them and told them to follow her to Mrs. Afton's room. Little Winxy was jumping all the way until the nurse stopped in front of one of many white doors and turned to her followers. ,,This is the room where Mrs. Afton lies. I'll take my leave now." She smiled, turned and went back to the hospital reception. One of the twins tried to reach the handle, but was too small so he asked his uncle for help by pulling his pants. Mr. Emily looked down on one of his little nephews and when he saw his tiny hand pointing to the door, he warmly smiled at him and opened the door for him. Three kids rushed into the room to their mother's bed as fast as their uncle opened the door and screamed ,Mommy!' with excitement. When three of them got to the bed Tina began to look around for the plastic box like bed where Mike a Terry were placed in by nurses when they were born but couldn't find any. ,,Mommy, where is the baby? Did they take him from us?" The little ginger haired girl asked and was close to tear up but at that moment the door opened and a nurse came in with the bed thing she was looking for. ,, Here's your son Mrs. Afton. He's perfectly fine, the complications in the delivery room had no effect on the baby." Then the nurse turned and left the room. Little Winxy turned to their uncle and asked him: ,,Could you lift me please? I want to see my new baby brother." ,,Of course." said her uncle and lifted her so she could look at her new sibling. Then he turned to his like-a-brother's wife. ,,Did you name him yet?" ,,Me and William went into the culture he was born into and decided to name him Izuku. It means ,taking long time to appear'. We thought that it would be fitting since he gave us trouble and didn't want to come out at the delivery room." Henry began to laugh, but lightly so he wouldn't wake the baby up. ,,I completely forgot that William's mother is from Japan. But I must say you really did some work on this name." and then he continued to laugh, quietly of course.

Hey guys, new chapter is out. I don't know if you see it too but the sickness that I have right now really makes me write more, dont you think? Well anyway, I hope you enjoy, I would be happy for some comment or a star and have a nice day/evening/night.
                                     Your Kika103050505

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