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WARNING: Mentions of rape, drug usage

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WARNING: Mentions of rape, drug usage.

prologue ; she speaks blood


Bright yellow stars swirling around in purplish blue hue was what the man saw when he was thrown off, rolling down the staircase, just like a giant roll of hay tumbling as the wind turns by. The sorry excuse of hair remaining on his head were sticked to his forehead by the mixture of sweat and blood oozing out from various injuries on his wheatish skin.

A moment of silence hollered the space later accompanied by two swift gunshots. Not long enough, a raspy gasp was listened. The injured man laid on the floor, grabbing his shot balls as she watched the life in his eyes morph into nothingness.

Dasom tucked the hem of her coat, lowering her head, a pair of hazel eyes staring dead at the now dead body. "Pathetic," her boots clicked onto the smooth-finished floor—now stained with the crimson fluid of life—her footwork following the trail of blood, walking closer to the dead body.

Lifting her left foot at a small height from the floor, she poked the side of the dead body, a confirmation of her task being completed. Dasom watched the body move when she kicked the sides, the kicks getting harsher one by one. A strange smile coated her cherry lips, an indication of satisfaction, was it? She moved a step further and kicked his head as it went flying to the other side, revealing a cheek dripping with blood from the floor. His eyes were struck open, no movement, no emotion, but a hint of burning destruction.

"Such an ugly man you were, were you not?" Dasom laughed a bit, wiping her bloodied fingers onto the inner side of her raven coat. Another second passed by, her gun now rested in her palms, ready to strike her last shot for the day. Dasom positioned herself and aimed for the head, shooting thrice, she watched a tsunami of blood pour out further.

"I wonder what your daughters would think if they saw you like this. Dead and pathetic in your own house," she hummed sarcastically, walking away. "Good for them though, no daughter would like to know about the rapes their father committed, would they?" She gripped her gun tightly, a wave of fury flashing through her eyes.

Being frious would be an understatement for Dasom at the moment. Lee Chaesun, a renowned entrepreneur was her target for today. The media knew him as a gentleman with a decent family of two daughters. But behind those cameras and a luxurious life of apparent hard-earned wealth lived a monster who slaughtered the innocence of helpess women for pleasure. Human trafficking, forced prostitution, smuggling of certain drugs, you name it, those are the most highlighted crimes he was known for in the underworld.

Lee Chaesun stood out to be a spotlight for a handful of agencies and today on this very day, his life was finally brought to an end by none other than Dasom herself. He had been under her watch since a week, almost restricted from committing to anymore disgusting crimes.

A sudden thought gushed through her head, urging her on sprinting out of the room. With the sound of her boots tapping the floor, Dasom found herself in the midst of dim-light living room. Her hazel eyes softened upon spotting a hunched figure in the farthest corner of the room.

"Hey, hey, it is alright now. He is dead," she walked closer to the figure, the sound of light sniffles and choked sobs hung in the air. The little girl clutched her arms tightly, only managing to nod shakily in response. Trauma has been her main guest for the day, yeah?

Dasom scooped up the girl in her arms, inspecting her for any visible injuries and scratches. "Did he hurt you?" The girl shook her head, her body shivering in response. Dasom let out a sigh of relief.

"He hurt my big sister," tears made their way out of her eyes, "he used to call us everyday to his house for cleaning but he took sister away to hurt her till she died," Dasom patted her back, an attempt to calm the little girl. Encountering such a horror at such a young age would definitely leave a turmoil of trauma for ages.

The little girl in her arms was the younger sister of the house helper who worked at Lee Chaesun's very own apartment. Dasom was not aware of her name, but from the details given to her, she figured out Lee Chaesun offered them a huge sum of money to work in his house. While this was just a cover up, he would also molest the older sister at every chance, threatening her with the life of the little girl.

Tragically, the older sister passed away some days ago after being admitted to the hospital. According to the documents, she has been through a grave accident. Dasom belives it to be another disgusting plan Lee Chaesun had up his sleeve. The little girl was then appointed to his house for some unknown reasons and has been living there ever since. Thankfully, both the daughters took excellent care of the little girl, not leaving her alone in the presence of their father.

Dasom hummed as she remembered the daughters leaving the house for some business trip a day ago and that's when hell was let loose. Dasom was brought back to the reality when she felt a small hand tugging the side of her coat.

The little girl has fallen asleep in her arms. She ducked her head to get a closer look at the girl. "Such an adorable child, it's a pity that she suffered so much," she let out a sigh, allowing herself to feel the cold breeze that walked through the open window.

Her eyes sauntered around for the last time before stopping at the clock, "Time to go, sweetie," she smirked and gracefully walked towards the exit, embracing the darkness of the corridor and the silence of the lives that were taken. And that's how, Dasom has completed another one of her missions, successfully fleeing away after a major rescue.

This marks the end of the prologue. This was more of the first chapter, but I would prefer keeping this as the prologue of this fanfiction. It was quite fun writing this part.

If you all are wondering why he clutched his balls, he was shot on his balls before dying—yes you heard it correct.

I hope you all would enjoy reading the first part. Votes and comments are always appreciated. Thank you for reading! Would try to update the next part asap.

Logging off, Ivy.


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