24. Lets Play Ball!!

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No one's pov
Garnet and izuku had gotten back from their date, they were heading to the barn with smiles on their faces

Izuku:"we should do this again in the future no?" He looked at her with a smile on his face
Garnet:"we shou-" a red colored ship flies over them with speed it seemed to follow someone

Peridot was running form the ship in fear trying to escape from the ship
Izuku:"it seems like it's going to the farm!" They started to run after the ship worried for what's to come

When they got there it seemed that the ship was slammed into the ground
Izuku:"we got here the moment we saw the ship!" The nervous looks from the others caused him to look at the ship

The hatch to the ship was blown off, out came a Ruby with it's gem where it's left eye should be
Steven:"Ruby?" He was dragged into the barn by izuku to hide and watch what the gem would do

The next Ruby had their gem on their lefr shoulder, this one took a fighting stance and the next after that one was a lighter color then the first two, this one had it's gem on their stomach

Nave:"look at this lovely planet!" She spoke in a happy and excited tone, seems like a hyperactive one

The next one was scared, hiding in the ship before being pushed out of it
The last one out had their gem on their chest, she looked around the place

Doc:"where are those gems the scanner picked up, span out and find them!" She seemed like their leader

Meanwhile in the barn house can be seen the gems all spying on them as they search the area
Peridot:"this is the end isn't it?!" She softly yells at them with fear

Lapis:"calm down, nothing's going to happen, will make sure of it" Peridot hid under a box before being dragged out by Steven
Steven:"everything will be alright, no one's going to take you ok?" He smiled while she's huddled up in a ball

Peridot:"haven't I caused you a lot of trouble already?" Garnet goes up to them with a smile
Garnet:"it's our sworn duty to protect anything that causes damage to earth, that includes you"
Her smile widens

Garnet turned to all of them with a growing smile
Garnet:"listen up I got a plan or should I say we have a plan" she shows her gems before un-fusing into sapphire and ruby

Sapphire:"hello everyone" she smiled before being knocked down by a teary Eri
Eri:"where's Mama?" Tears threatening to spill out

Sapphire:"Eri, it's nice to finally meet you!" She hugged her surrounded by an aura, Eri was confused, Ruby hugged her as well with the same aura as sapphire

Eri:"who are you?" Izuku picked them up before hugging the life out of all of them
Izuku:"Eri remember how I told you what fusion is and that Garnet is a fusion?, well these are the gems that compose Garnet when shes not fused"

Eri took a moment to process this new found information before hugging them
Eri:"so I have to mom's?" The innocent look in her eyes warmed their hearts

Sapphire/Ruby:'anyone hurts my sweet little girl and they're answering to me' the aura of fury consumes their being before being replaced by a motherly aura

Izuku:"yes Eri, you technically have three including Garnet but she can't exist by herself without them being fused" he smiled
Steven hugged them

Sapphire turned to her lovers before grabbing her arm with a smile
Sapphire:"you got this just act casual" she kissed her cheek with a wider smile

Meanwhile with the Ruby squad
Doc:"listen up Ruby's, this is an important mission by yellow Diamond, we can afford to mess up

Ruby:"what are we doing here?" Sweat rolls down her face, nervios of what to come if she makes a slip up, everyone looked at her with suspicion
Leggy:"yeah what are we doing here?" The confusion written on her face

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