💚 - KAZUHA . stay beautiful / debut

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STAY BEAUTIFUL ... Keadehara Kazuha x GN!Reader

 Keadehara Kazuha x GN!Reader

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SYNOPSIS ... "You're beautiful, every little piece, love. And don't you know, you're really going to be someone. And when you find everything you looked for, I hope your life will lead you back to my door."

NOTES ... First chapter of the eras writing event! I really had fun writing this because Stay Beautiful is such a pretty song. It's such an innocent song, but the meaning is really lovely :')

CONTENTS ... fluff, angst/bittersweet, gender neutral reader, happens before and during inazuma archon quest


When meeting him for the first time, there was always one thing that stood out about him that you just can't seem to divert your attention from; his eyes.

Kazuha's eyes were filled with life, like a jungle— though instead of being a dangerous wonderland, his was more of a heavenly forest.

You begin to wonder how eyes so red and lively get to even exist. Eyes filled with so much bursting emotion and depth that it scares you how tempting it is to get lost within it.

Though in some sense, you are willing to get lost within his soft, scarlet gaze. Would it be worth the trouble? The temptation fills you to the brim of your entirety that you can't help but let out something you wished you would've thought twice about saying aloud.

"You're beautiful, d'you know that?"

Expectedly, he seems to be startled by your words that seemed to come out of nowhere.

The growing silence within the soft and grassy field of Narukami island grew louder and louder, giving you time to process what you had just said.

But for some reason, you don't find yourself dismayed at your sudden and abrupt (and half-baked) confession.

More so, you were wondering why you would say that now. You've known him for years, and you've long since admitted to yourself that he is beautiful. Perhaps even beauty incarnate itself.

So why say it aloud just now?

Instead of the growing silence that was meant to stay, Kazuha breaks you out of it with his melodic laugh.



If only he saw the way girls always trail their gaze to wherever he goes— to whatever he does.

If only he knows how they watch him find his way around the city, doing things that seem so effortlessly beautiful in everyone's eyes.

If only he knows how everyone's eyes are always directed at him.

It worries you by an amount of how unaware he is with the beauty he holds.

If only he knows how beautiful he is to you. Well, he kind of does now.

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