Chapter 17

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~ normal

~ sign language

~ M/N speaking

~ thoughts

On Chapter 16

"Your expressions seem like some bad people. Kohaku, what do you think? Is it good to cheat in the game?" He asked Kohaku who stands there observing them. "It doesn't matter. It's fine as long as the odds of saving Ruri-nee are good." Kohaku says.


Third Person POV

Senku and M/N were walking towards the village, and the scene surprised the villagers and stood still.

"You both have been here for almost half a year. Finally...." Kohaku said.

"We stepped into the village for the first time. This is the first step." Senku stated. They then walked towards the arena that will be holding the Grand Bout.

"Is that the outsider that will participate in the Grand Bout?" the person asked, not knowing a certain (H/C) person can hear them with ease.

"That's right. One of them are named Senku, and the other one named M/N." Jasper replied.

"Senku? M/N? Did you just say that both of the outsider's name is Senku and M/N?" Ruri asked Jasper to confirm what she had just heard.

"What's the matter? Have you met him before, Ruri?"

"No, I haven't" Ruri replied. "It's not possible for me to have met them. But still, I..." Ruri continued and stopping at the middle of her sentence.

"I know about Senku and M/N." Ruri then walked down the stairs, startling both the men inside the hut.

"A few years ago.... No perhaps longer than that. I knew him from a distance past." Ruri replies, Senku noticing a voice almost behind him.

"You're Senku-san and M/N-san, right?" Ruri confirms with the twins. "So you are Ruri, the Shamaness. We finally meet." Senku replied. "Nice to meet you, Ruri." M/N greeted with his usual deep voice.

"I have something to ask you both. Senku, M/N, what's are your last name?" Ruri asks. "Could it be that you... Ishi-" Ruri then starts to cough violently. 

M/N having fast reflexes, he then went towards Ruri before anyone knew it and slowly patted her back. "Easy there. Don't talk too much. Control your breathing. Drink some warm water if you have some to ease the coughing." M/N said quietly almost anyone not knowing what he has said except Ruri and Senku.

"What do you think you're doing with Ruri-sama?!" Jasper then push M/N away from Ruri.

"Both outsiders, don't come near the Shamaness!" Turquoise warned the twins. "We shouldn't have let her out. Quickly take her inside." A man instructed.

"I have a lot to ask too. I'll question her after the Grand Bout is over." Senku said. "This is great. I don't have to make the move to kill Ruri. She'll die soon after we get married." They turned their heads and saw it was Magma who commented such a thing except for M/N. 

M/N then walked towards him and takes Magma down to his height. "Don't get too cocky, you bastard." Before he throws Magma's collar.

"Not bad for a little build." Magma mumbled. And this was left unheard by the (H/C) man. 

Time Skip

It was around few hours before the Grand Bout, so the Kingdom of Science decided to go back to the hut, and Chrome released his anger by attacking the shield that was hanging from both of the trees.

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