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These are not literal translation, but used as contextual. I spoke with someone who is from Italian and who is Italy. I wanted their guidance of phrases that were being used in the story and to make it understandable when reading the story. 

Bella/Besllissima- Beautiful

Si- Yes 

Stronzo- Asshole/Douche 

Merda- Shit 

Amore mio- My love

Bravissima- Impressive, well done 

Ladra- Thief 

Vieni qui - Come here 

Andiamo- Let's go 

Lo uccido- I'm going to kill him

Non lo so- I don't know

Cazzo, che cazzo hai fatto?- Fuck, what the fuck did you do?

Attenta- Careful

Ti daró tutto- I will give you everything 

Cammina- Walk

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