Dawn vs. Clifford

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ASHES P.O.V We walk out of the bathroom and see that Calum has her busy picking up all the darts.

"If anything Micheal should be picking all these up ,he is the one who ate all my Cheetos." she grumps .Calum looks at us and shrugs.

"At least we don't have to do it."he says and Dawn looks up at me.She smiles at me.

"Hey what happened?" she asks.I freeze .uh oh, uhm what do i say.

"I just had a little something to take care of?..." i say hoping she will take it.Micheal and Luke laugh at me I turn and glare at them.Gees this is so embarrassing ,and them laughing isn't helping at all.

"Mhhmm okay, i won't push it." oh thank the heavens,"Micheal, you better help me pick these up because you ate all my Cheetos." she orders and glares at him.

"Hmm i don't know i have a lot of shows to catch up on." he smirks and she glares at him even harder.

"Uhm if i may give you a piece of advice.. run!" Calum says.

"Nah man i'm not..." He starts up ,but Dawn tackles him to the floor."Help me.Please." he begs and i smile.Me, Calum,and Luke exchange glances and smile.We all just take our phones out and take a picture.

"Ha ,blackmail." Calum says and i laugh at him.

"You know Micheal, i don't know whats more embarrassing the fact that you got pinned down by a girl or that this is going on Insta, twitter, and Facebook." i say and we all laugh.

"Okay now enough laughs." Dawn laughs and crawls off of him and stands."Clean it up, and next time don't touch my Cheetos." she says and walks off.

She turns to us ,"Imma make dinner want some?" she smiles.We don't say anything we just nod and follow her into the kitchen.

"What are we having?" i ask.We take a seat at the counter and watch her in the cabinet.

"How about macaroni?" she asks and we all shout yeah,she smiles,"And... broccoli." she adds.



"Uhg.." -Me

"Oh stop your whining...or you can help Clifford in there." She raises a brow at us.

"Okay broccoli sounds nice."We say at the same time.

"Yay." she say and fills a pot with macaroni.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AFTER DINNER/DAWNS P.O.V

They start walking out of the room."Uh guys?"

"Yup?" they say.Well that's a little rude considering that all they can do is burn water.I throw my arms out.

"oh thank you.."-Ash

"Thank you.."- Luke


Bingo,"You guys are very welcome."

All the sudden my wrist watch starts buzzing and beeping.They all notice this and run for the brocave(as they call it).I have my own fire pole down there.I slide down there and into my office.I sit in my rolly chair and connect my watch to my computer.I click open the tab.They are already changing into their suit.

"It's a distress call...DADDY!" i yell when i see his name,"It says that my dad is being held captive by...OH of course."

"Who?" Ash asks.

I sigh,"Trixie."

"Ooooohhh.." Luke says and we all look at Micheal.

"Oh faaaaaaa..Really why Trixie?!" he groans and slaps his forehead.

"Oh im sorry.." i say to him and then look at calum,luke,and ash,"not."They chuckle.

"Anyway, she has my dad held captive ,but we have one issue she is moving and she is moving fast.I can't pinpoint her location, but she looks like the is headed towards...the ocean?" i say.

"Which means she has some sort of boat?" Luke says.

"Probably ,you guys need to go and fast.Use the jet packs to catch her okay." i tell them.

"Okay , guys lets go." Ashton says and they run over to a closet and grab the jet packs.

"Be safe.. have fun Micheal ." i say and he shoots me a glare,"Oh and please save my dad ,i'm pretty sure he is terrified of that psycho girl."

"Okay bye." Ash says and they wave at me and fly through a passage.

Well this is my job now.Well my part time job, i am their emergency caller.Oh and i have my own suit , it's amazing.It's way better than theirs by far.It's purple and black.I have a black skirt,black boots,black hand gloves,a black mask,purple body suit,And a black "D" in the middle of my stomach.It's amazing.So yeah anyway, if they ever need help or an extra hand with their mission then they call me.Yeah i know i don't have any special powers or anything,but that doesn't mean i can't help them.But..it doesn't happen very often, actually it has never happened. I have never been called in.But i don't expect they ever will ,They are way to good.They ALWAYS save the victim,whether it is in the nick-of-time or way before.I put on my head set.

"Hey guys hows it happening?" i ask.

"We are almost there... wait i can see it..gees she stole a freaking party boat.." it sounds like Ash.

"Ha sounds like something she would do... do you see my dad?" i ask.

"Nope... he must be inside... i promise we will find save him and bring Trixie to justice." he says.

"Thanks oh and take her big fat ego to." i joke and he chuckles.

"K i got to go we are about to confront the enemy..." he says.

"Okay bye good luck..."i say.

I don't understand Trixie.She dresses really tacky with her dyed hair .And she is madly in love with Micheal(first of all ew).She must think that because they have the same interests that they were meant to be, but she is way wrong.Micheal is terrified and disturbed by her.The great part is that every time she sees him she tackles him (which isn't very hard) and then showers him with kisses.The even greater part is that her lipstick is permanent so it is stuck on his face for weeks.It's hilarious.The only bad part is that she is very jealous and has a deep hatred towards me.She thinks that Micheal likes me and that i am the reason why their "love" hasn't worked.She has tried to kill me numerous times over the years ,but she always fails because of the boys..

"AHHHHH...NO EW GET OFF OF ME...AWE NO NOT THE KISSES...GROSS..." I hear Micheal yell on the line,"Why won't you love me..." i hear Trixie shout in the background.All i can do is laugh, so i do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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