Chapter 2. boy next door

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Jungkook, the cold and calculated mafia leader, found himself in an unfamiliar role – that of a simple boy next door. Dressed in casual attire that masked his usual ominous presence, he tried to blend into the backdrop of Kkum's ordinary world. His attempts to catch her attention, however, were met with indifference.

Frustrated by the lack of progress, Jungkook sought advice from his confidant, Jimin. "She doesn't even notice me. What am I doing wrong?" he confessed, a rare vulnerability seeping into his tone.

Jimin, ever the charmer, grinned mischievously. "Boss, you're approaching it all wrong. You can't be just another face in the crowd. You need to be someone she notices, someone she can't ignore."

Taking Jimin's advice to heart, Jungkook decided on a bolder strategy. He moved to an apartment close to Kkum's, hoping proximity would work in his favor. From his new vantage point, he watched her routines and habits, subtly aligning his schedule to intersect with hers.

One evening, as Kkum walked past his apartment building, Jungkook seized the opportunity. "Hey, Kkum, right? I'm your new neighbor. Jungkook," he greeted with a disarming smile, an artful performance that masked the complexities beneath.

Kkum, though polite, didn't seem particularly interested. "Nice to meet you, Jungkook. I hope you're settling in well," she replied, her attention already drifting elsewhere.

Undeterred, Jungkook persisted. "I was thinking of exploring the city this weekend. Would you like to join me? It's always better with good company," he suggested, his words carrying a subtle charm.

Kkum hesitated, assessing the sincerity in his eyes. "I appreciate the offer, but I prefer spending my weekends quietly," she declined, her boundaries firm.

As Jungkook retreated, pondering the next move, Jimin appeared with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Boss, you need to up your game. Actions speak louder than words. Show her you're genuine."

Taking Jimin's advice to heart, Jungkook decided to be more involved in Kkum's world. He offered a helping hand when she struggled with groceries, shared lighthearted banter when they crossed paths, and gradually unveiled a side of himself that transcended the hardened exterior.

Days turned into weeks, and Jungkook's persistence began to chip away at Kkum's guarded demeanor. The city's cold mafia leader found himself navigating uncharted territory, slowly unraveling the enigma of love in the ordinary girl who resisted his advances.


Jungkook's attempts to win Kkum's heart had become an intricate dance, a delicate balance between the façade of the boy next door and the complexities of his true identity. Living in close proximity hadn't yielded the results he sought, and Jimin, ever the strategist, offered counsel to navigate the evolving situation.

"Boss, we need to try a new angle. Maybe opening up to her will break down those walls," Jimin suggested, his voice laced with a genuine concern for Jungkook's predicament.

Determined to gain Kkum's trust, Jungkook began sharing more about his own life, carefully concealing the darker facets of his reality. Casual conversations shifted into moments of vulnerability, as he spoke about childhood memories and dreams he'd once harbored.

However, Kkum remained elusive, her guarded demeanor refusing to yield to the charm of his carefully crafted persona. Each rejection stung, but Jungkook persisted, unable to let go of the hope that had ignited within him.

One evening, as they rode the elevator together in an awkward silence, Jungkook decided to steer the conversation toward a more personal realm. "Kkum, have you ever thought about love? About finding someone who truly understands you?"

Her eyes betrayed a flicker of sadness, and after a moment's hesitation, she spoke, "I did once. But he left me, caught up in a world that tore us apart."

Jungkook seized the opportunity, choosing his words carefully. "Sometimes, people make choices for reasons they believe are right. Not everyone in that world is heartless. There are complexities we can't always comprehend."

Her eyes narrowed, and a steely resolve colored her response. "I don't care about their reasons. I hate that world, and I'll never forgive them. I want nothing to do with it."

Jungkook, sensing the depth of her aversion, acquiesced, realizing that broaching the topic of the mafia world struck a chord that left her wounded. "I understand, Kkum. I won't bring it up again."

As the elevator doors opened, she gave him a curt nod, her expression closing off any further conversation. "Let's just keep things casual between us," she stated, her tone final.

From that moment onward, Jungkook continued to play the role of the boy next door, carefully avoiding any mention of the shadows that lurked in the periphery of his life. The connection between them became an intricate dance, a series of steps that treaded the fine line between truth and fiction.

As Jungkook grappled with the complexities of his dual existence, the city's underworld continued to cast its long shadow over their burgeoning relationship. Little did Kkum know, the man who claimed to be the simple boy from next door carried a burden that transcended the ordinary, threatening to engulf the fragile connection they were both trying to protect.

As the intricate dance between the two unfolded, the boundaries of their worlds blurred, and the question lingered: Could a man accustomed to shadows find redemption in the light of an ordinary girl's love? The answer remained elusive, shrouded in the complexities of their intertwining destinies

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