Q&A pt.2

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7. what's your dream job?

I don't know every day another one

8. what a thing you regret doing in your past? (you don't have to answer it if it's too personal)

To be a bad friend for some of my friends/ old friends (i was a very pretentious person)

9. what features would you like your future partner to have?

That i can talk to him every time and that he accept me how i am

10. what is a talent/ability not much people know about?

I don't really have one...

11. do you have any nicknames and which ones?

My parents call me bee (in German its Pauline-Biene, so its a rhyme), PauPau, Pauli, Paul, Pau, 

12. What's your fav food?

Sushi and burger are my life! But i love ramen or some things with potatos (I love potatos, don't ask why)

13.  What got you into writing? Romance or crime?


(I don't want to o a 3rd part with just one question)

Yeahhhh byeeeeee

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