Chapter Twelve🥀

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Embry was with me the day before he had to go, he promised not to think about our conversation so none of them would know

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Embry was with me the day before he had to go, he promised not to think about our conversation so none of them would know.

I texted Bella and told her that dad was gone another day, she was worried because I was home alone and told me to lock the doors and windows as if that would keep a vampire out. I was sitting on the couch late at night watching a movie and eating. I had previously gone to the pharmacy because my nausea continued and from everything I was thinking about in my mind all day I get sick. I bought some medicine and tried to distract myself until Alec showed up at my house again.

"You're still here?" I asked, glancing at him. He walked slowly next to me and looked over my shoulder as I drew in my notebook.

"We're going back to Italy tomorrow." He said and I moved my eyes to him.

"Oh?" I said and he grinned. "Yes." He answered and sat next to me, staring.

"Why are you even here, don't you have those horrible jobs over there in Italy?" I asked looking away and felt his eyes on the side of my head.

"I told you earlier that I was curious." He replied, turning his head forward. I furrowed my brows and turned my head back. "Was that your reason for coming here? Because you were curious? Why is your sister with you." I asked curiously but he didn't answer anymore.

He leaned closer and my heart began to beat faster and his smirk grew. I looked into his eyes and my eyes failed me. My gaze landed on his lips which were tempting but the memories came back to my mind and I sighed out loud pulling away.

Alec then got up and started walking towards the door and when I blinked he was gone again. I sighed deeply and turned to look at my notebook.


You know when life is not always easy, we are born imagining life to be like a fairy tale. Life has tested me enough, I thought Paul was different but he is just like everyone else, a coward.

I closed the front door behind me, looking at the house for a moment and closing my eyes. I put my hands down on my body and hugged myself from the stomach. I don't want anyone else to decide my life, this is mine. I looked over my shoulder at the house one last time and started walking.

Cullens were ready in the square, waiting for the newborns. Edward and Bella were in the mountains, but that didn't work because Victoria and Riley found them. Cullens and the shapeshifters did well in fight.

The newborns were all destroyed and  burned in the fire. Alice froze in place and told her vision about Volturi coming, Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix.

"How long?"

"A few minutes maybe ten." Alice said looking Edward who returned to the square with Bella.

"The wolves must leave. The Volturi will not respect our truce." Edward spoke glancing wolves. Jacob arrived and at the same time a newborn appeared from the bush and attacked one of the wolves and Jacob attacked but newborn crushed his ribs.

Bella was the first run to him. Carlisle appeared beside her soon looking at the Jacob.

"The bones on the right side are broken. The bones need to be put back in place before the healing process begins." Carlisle said looking at Sam who had come over to followed by the other wolves.

"He must be taken away, before the Volturi come." Edward said looking at Bella who was worried.

"We're taking him to Billy's." Sam spoke looking at Carlisle who nodded.

"I'll come as soon as I can." Carlisle said standing up.

"They are coming." Alice said and they nervously stood next to each others watching the Volturi guards arrive.

Volturi guards stopped in front of Cullens, Alec lowered his hood, glancing around. You could see the relief in his eyes, soon his eyes met the mind reader and Alec narrowed his eyes looking away.

"Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." Jane spoke looking at the Cullens.

"We were lucky." Carlisle spoke staring at Jane tightly.

"I doubt it." She replied and then Alec spoke.

"It appears we missed an entertaining fight." And those words Edward shifted an Bella swallowed knowing what her boyfriend was thinking.

"Yes, it's not often we are rendered unnecessary."

"Half an hour ago you could have been useful." Edward snapped back and Jane shifted her eyes to the mind reader.

"You forgot one." She turned to look at the young new born girl who was standing behind Jasper.

"We offered her asylum if she surrenders." Carlisle said stepping forward. Jane's gaze tightened and she looked at Carlisle.

"You didn't have that right." She turned towards the girl. "Why did you come here?" The girl fell to the ground from Jane's gift that she was using. "Who created you?" Jane asked.

"Stop she will tell you." Esme spoke.

"I don't know, Riley didn't tell us, it wasn't safe for us to think." The young vampire spoke.

"Her name was Victoria, maybe you knew her?" Edward said glaring twins who keep their poker faces.

"Edward, if the Volturi had known about Victoria they would have stopped her. Right Jane?" Carlisle asked.

"Of course." Jane answered.

"Felix." Jane said and Felix stepped forward.

"She didn't know what she was doing. We're responsible for her. Give her a chance." Esme spoke and Felix stopped.

"The Volturi don't give second chances. Keep that in mind. Caius will be interested to know that she's still human." Jane said pointing at Bella who boldly spoke up. "The date is set." Jane then glared at Bella.

"Take care of that, Felix. I'd like to go home." Jane said and Felix walked over to the young newborn. Smashing her head away from her body.

Suddenly, Alice let out a loud gasp, her eyes glazing over. Edward turned to look at his adopted sister and his eyes widened. "Oh no."

"What is happening?" Bella asked worriedly and Edward was frozen in place. Jasper shifted uncomfortably, sensing his siblings feelings.

"Your sister." Edward spoke his eyes moving back and forth looking into Alice's mind. Hearing this Alec stopped and turned to look at Jane who had also stopped.

"What about Rory?" Bella asked her voice trembling.

"She..she.." Alice mumbled with a worried expression on her face. "I don't see her future anymore.."

"Aurora jumped off the cliff into the water." Edward said and Bella raised her hands to her face, screaming so loud. "No!"

"Where is she? We have to go! Edward!" Bella screamed tears falling her eyes and she began to run. Edward glanced at Alec who was staring in place he was so calm.

"She's in shapeshifters territory."

"Go ahead, I'll tell Sam when I go see Jacob." Carlisle spoke and Edward sped over to Bella, throwing her on his back. "Please, can Demetri track her down? She's your mate Alec." Edward begged looking at the twins and Jane turned to look at Demetri nodding.

"Go." She said and Demetri sped off with Edward following behind.

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