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He landed upon me heavily. We fell half onto the tarpaulin, half onto the middle bench. His hands reached for my throat, he found my face and pulled me in for the kiss. "Brother," I gasped through his overeager embrace, "My heart is with you, but I must urgently suggest we repair to another part of my humble ship." "You're damn right your heart is with me!" he said. I smiled to myself before realising something very important. Richard Parker was still aboard the boat. Uh – oh.

Brother, theres something I forgot to mention, I exclaim, panic rising through my body, flooding over me, and rendering my mind useless. Richard Parker growls again, a low deep growl, signaling to all who heard it that he was not a fan of the newcomer and his newfound romance with me. This was his territory. He let me remain – because I was his bestie and his supplier - but another person was pushing it.

Brother! What sound is this? You have an animal, thank the Lord! We can eat it, we are saved! My brother exclaimed, joy evident at this discovery of a new meal.

Its a tiger, are you insane brother?! I cant kill him; he is my only companion! I shrieked, distressed at the thought of getting rid of my only friend, even for another human.

What is more important, a tiger or your life? My brother questioned.

The tiger. I answered simply. I would not sink so far as to get rid of my sole companion, my only true friend. I would rather die.

Forget it, you are not my brother any longer. I am killing that beast! And you shall get none of the meat. He boldly stated and grabbed the dull hunting knife I had carelessly left in the open when I gave up on life.

Richard Parker rose and growled deeply. He then lunged for the man, aiming for his neck. Mid-air he reached the man and sunk his teeth deep into his neck. The man screamed in pain. Richard Parker do your worst, I whispered under my breath. He yanked his head back along with the head of the man separating it from his body. His limp body collapsed on the floor, his head still in Richard Parkers mouth. Fountains of blood spilled from his empty neck, until it was all I could smell. That was the last I saw of him before Richard Parker reduced him to a pile of bones. Luckily, I was able to grab some flesh to use as bait, but need came first and I had swallowed it before I could even comprehend what I was doing.

You deserved this. You tried to kill my best friend I told the corpse. Months of madness and isolation had driven me insane, I no longer had morals, I liked that Richard Parker had gotten back at him for the attempted attack. I was no longer Pi; I had lost my way and all I knew was that I could not let Richard Parker die. This man who had tried to kill him had made a mistake and he had paid for it with his life. I would make sure that anyone else who made the same mistake paid the same way. All I was certain of was the Richard Parker must live. I could die, I had no one left and nothing to live for, but Richard Parker deserved to live. He had let me live all this time, and I would return the favour.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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