Chapter 36 A day with the past

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Back at Earth, it was the next day.The boys woke up. So what's the rest of your plan? asked Huey, We're going to bear killer island, said Dewey. Dewey, are you crazy, yelled Louie. No, Just stupid, said Dewey. Come on boys we're are going on an adventure soon, yelled Scrooge from downstairs. The boys ran downstairs, and went into the plane. I know those kids are up to something, mumbled Donald. What did you say lad, asked Scrooge. Nothing, said Donald. Scrooge followed the boys. Meanwhile, come on dad, it won't be that bad, said Marcus. No I'm not going, said Mason. Nothing bad is going to happen, said Maise. Fine, but if anything happens, I'm blaming you, said Mason. A little while later, everybody got on the plane, Dewey got in the pilot's seat and took off. Okay do you guys remember the plan, asked Huey. yep, said Louie. I can't believe you dragged me into this, said Mason. Oh come on, it's not going to be that bad, said Maise. Maise how are you not scared, asked Mason. I know I'm safe, said Maise. Mason looked at his scar. Flashback, Mason was seven , and Maise was five. Jack opened the door. where's RJ, yelled Mason. he is dead, yelled Jack. Mason cried. no, no,said Mason. Jack cut Mason, adventure killed him, said Jack. Mason screamed in pain, he was bleeding. Jack went up to Maise, and tried to cut her. Don't touch my sister, yelled Mason, as he jumped in front of Maise. Run, yelled Mason. Maise grabbed food, and a picture of her, RJ and Mason. Mason, and Maise ran away from home. Come on, said Mason. End of flashback, you're scared of losing Marcus, aren't you asked Maise. Mason nodded.

Okay guys are you ready? asked Louie. yep, said Dewey. Dewey pushed a button, and a red light came on. Dewey let go of the Controls. Della ran over to Huey, Dewey and Louie, and held them as the plane crashed. I told you that something would go wrong, said Mason, as he got off the plane. um mom, where are we, asked Louie. Scrooge looked around, and saw a cave. Donald saw claw marks on the trees. We're on bear killer island, said Della. The kids tried to sneak away. You kids are not going anywhere, said Donald. Why not, asked  Marcus. Because it's dangerous, said Donald.There is a cave a few miles from here. You will be safe there, said Scrooge. Huey took his brothers and his cousins to the cave. Do you think dad is here? asked Dewey. I don't know, said Huey.  Hey guys do you see that, asked Louie. The boys looked deeper into the cave, they saw glowing red eyes. Huey looked at it carefully, he realized what it was. guys that's a bear, Huey said.  Huey, Dewey,Louie, Markcus, and Webby ran back to the plane, as the bear started chasing them. Uncle Scrooge, yelled Louie. Scrooge looked at the bear. I thought it would be dead by now, said Scrooge, Della looked at the bear, she remembered the  day she met RJ. Della cut the bear with a wrench. The bear ran away. Why did that bear chase us? We didn't do anything, said Louie. I will show you, said Della as  she started walking towards the cave. The boys followed. Marcus and webby started to follow but Scrooge stopped them. Della walked into the cave, she grabbed a torch and lit it. There was a pile of leaves and a fire pit made of wood and rocks. It looks like someone was living here for years, said Huey. Your dad lived here, before we found him.  The bear chased you because of your father, I found him here on an adventure. He never knew how to quit, and that got him into trouble, said Della. Where is he, asked Huey. I don't know but,I know he's out there somewhere, said Della. So he didn't leave because of us, asked Louie. He loved you three, and the last thing he wanted to do was leave you alone. That's why he left you with your uncle Donald,  and one day he will come back. I know it, said Della. Della left the cave. So what do we do now? asked Louie. "we're going to find out what happened to him, and bring him home," Huey said. The boys walked back to the plane. A little while later, they were back home and they went to bed.

The next morning. Are you sure this is a good idea, asked Maise. I don't have a choice. I'm not leaving them in the castle, and I don't think my mom  will be very happy if I leave the boys with her, said Della. okay,but me and mason are taking them, said Maise. Thank you, for volunteering me for something I don't want to do,  said Mason.  you're the older brother,said maise. okay, fine I will take them, mason mumbled. The kids came down stairs, ran out the door, and into the car. Twenty minutes later. The kids got out of the car. Ash ran and pinned Huey to the ground licking his face.I think he likes you, said Nick. I will be going, said mason. You are trying to avoid me aren't you, Asked Nick. no, I'm trying  to avoid this place, all I can remember is bad things when I'm here, said mason. The boys ran off, Ash followed. What  are we looking for exactly, asked Louie. we're looking for any clues, to try and find Dad,said Huey. Dewey went over to a tree. " Does this tree look weird to you?" he asked. Huey pulled on one of the tree branches, and a door opened. A young duck was inside. He screamed, who are you, asked huey. How did you get here,DJ asked, no one knows about this place except for, DJ stopped. RJ, he said in a sad voice. you knew our dad, asked Louie.I did, said DJ . You never did answer me, said Huey. DJ, the wolves got out, said Jake. I will go get them, said DJ in an annoyed voice. Jake left. Ash grabbed his green harness with his mouth, and barked. I think he wants you to put it on him, said Louie. Dewey grabbed the harness from Ash's mouth, and put it on him. Ash ran around in a circle and barked.

The boys, and Ash  followed DJ quietly. Or at least they tried. Ash saw a rabbit and ran after it. The boys ran after Ash. Ash ran into the leader of his pack,Chief. Chief was more interested in Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Then he was with Ash, he growled  at them. Meanwhile, in outer space RJ. Looked at the Tracker he had made, in case Ash got into trouble. It was beeping,he saw three kids behind his dog. "boys", RJ said to himself. RJ pressed a button on the Tracker. Back on earth. A chew toy came out of Ash's harness. Ash pinned Chief  to the ground, Chief ran away. Where  did that dog toy come from? asked Huey I can Answer that, said Nick. When your dad was a kid, he invented  a tracking device. so, if he got into a situation that he couldn't get out of, which happened every day of his life.  He would get Ash to Rescue him. By Throwing  the chow toy at the Bad guys, He would  pin them to the ground, Nick said.
  Get to the point, Louie said. Your father is alive, said Nick. When the boys got home they  told their mom.

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