Nightmare and Lemon

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to Deku is Genderbent, and I make it everyone's problem! I know that this story had been getting a lot more attention as of late, so I am making more chapters for it. I hope you all continue to enjoy and continue to read these stories so I can make more chapters for them. Let's begin the chapter!

Izuku was in a deep sleep as she was looking at many scenes within her life up until this point. She smiled to herself as she felt some movement behind herself before she noticed that this movement wasn't from something she knew. Looking behind herself she found out that All for One was staring at her with his nonexistent eyes as he smiled at her with something that made her tremble slightly in fear. "Only a matter of time before I get my little brother back, and once I do... you won't ever see the light of day again." All for One's voice called out causing the girl to scream in her dream scape before screaming to wake up from her nightmare. "HYAAAAAAAAAAA!" Izuku screamed as Ochako immediately woke up and pulled the crying girl into his arms. Izuku was sobbing into his bare chest as she shivered in his arms, she couldn't get the words that All for One said to her in her sleep as she let out quiet sobs. The door to her bedroom was slammed open as Aizawa had looked at both Izuku and Ochako turned to look at their teacher. "What is going on here? Did he hurt you Midoriya?" Aizawa asked, glaring at Ochako. "N-No! It's not h-him!" Izuku said, as Aizawa stared at her instead. "Then explain to me why a boy is in here and you are shirtless?" Aizawa glared at her now. "I-I t-trust him! H-He's m-my boyfriend as well. H-He was sleeping without his shirt... so I didn't want him to be the only one doing so." Izuku said, as she pointed her fingers against one another. "Well aside from that, what caused you to wake up at three in the morning screaming bloody murder?" Aizawa questioned as Izuku placed a shirt over herself. "I-I had a nightmare about the villain in K-K-Kamino." Izuku said, as Aizawa remembered the day. "What happened in this nightmare of sorts?" Aizawa asked, as he knew that Nightmares are sometimes visions of the future. "H-He told me that... h-he would steal back the q-quirk I have. T-That I won't be capable of l-leaving his side w-when he gets it." Izuku said, as Aizawa thought about it. "I think it's about time I know about what kind of quirk you have so I know what I'm dealing with." Aizawa said, as Izuku nodded. Ochako looked at Izuku with worry before nodding himself as they told Aizawa to sit down for this conversation.


After a long conversation with their homeroom teacher, about Izuku's quirk as well as it's real name, Aizawa gave a long-drawn-out sigh. "So you're telling me, that you manifested your quirk just days before the first day of school during the Entrance Exams... then you learned how to master it within a few days after training with an old man who trained All Might himself, all because of a quirk you were unwilfully prepared to hold onto?" Aizawa asked, as Izuku shook her head at the last part. "I-I trained to gain A-All Might's power. H-He can give it to someone who is unwilling, but t-that means that the person needs to be willing to give it up. All Might trained my... male body in order to manage to hold onto the power without...blowing up." Izuku said, as Aizawa looked at her with scrutiny. "Alright, this is definitely something that I should've been informed of before you entered my classroom. Anyway, we need to inform the rest of the faculty that this villain All for One is after you specifically. Anything else I should be worried about?" Aizawa asked, as Izuku muttered something under her breath. "What was that?" Aizawa asked, growling at her. "I-I-I m-might m-m-manifest n-new q-quirks." Izuku said, stuttering horribly. "Just perfect, you are given a quirk that you cannot work out without any guidance whatsoever, then you are trained by an old man who knows the quirk better than you do. He tells you to figure out the best way to use the quirk, which is all around your body, without him informing you about it. Why is everyone just shit teachers within the life I live?" Aizawa asked, as Ochako was about to speak up. "S-Sir-" "O-Ochako are you trying to get yourself expelled by him!" Izuku whispered to the boy covering his mouth. Chuckling darkly at the two, he stood up before moving out the door as he looked back at them with red eyes. "Make sure to wear protection." He said, before closing the door. The effect of his words was completely immediate as Izuku and Ochako blushed completely as one floated to the top of the dorm room as Izuku just placed her hands in front of her face. As the two just wait until they don't hear Aizawa's distinct silent footsteps outside the room anymore, they look to one another as they just hug each other. They had a bad feeling about what was going to happen to All Might once the other teachers are informed about the fact that Izuku has a quirk that can be passed on to someone else. But that was a problem for later, as Izuku found a new problem that was literally poking her in the rear. Looking down to see Ochako's crotch poking her rear, she looked up at his face as it was a blushing mess now that he was sitting behind her. Rubbing her rear on his throbbing tent, she giggled at his reaction as she stood up and took off her shirt, thinking about giving him a reward for helping her in the abrupt wake up from a nightmare.

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