Found out

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Hey guys!! I freakin loved this idea!!!!!!! Thank you to @Velvetcansteponmengl for this idea it was great🔥 Also I kinda reversed roles since I read the request wrong and didn't notice till after so sorry about that! This is more Veneer comforting Ritz but I hope you enjoy!
It had been about 11 months or so since Velvet and Veneer had gone to prison and Ritz was devastated. He knew it wasn't Veneers fault, he had begged him to tell his sister he didn't want any part of this anymore but before he did it was too late. During Veneer's sentence Ritz made sure to visit him everyday, always in disguise so no one would recognize him, the last thing the couple wanted was word getting out about their relationship. They had been dating long before Velvet and Veneer had reached fame and have had to keep it a secret since they were both well recognized. They hated keeping it a secret but they also didn't want paparazzi following them every chance they got so it was better this way.

Ritz had just arrived to the prison and waited patiently for them to bring Veneer out. Today he was particularly happy as tomorrow Veneer would finally be released and they could be together once again. When they finally brought out Veneer Ritz smiled excitedly at him. "Hi love!" Ritz waved to him through the glass picking up the phone on the wall. (15 and I don't know what the fuck those prison phones are called 😭) "Hey Ritzy! How have you been?" Veneer said matching his excitement. "Nothing much just excited about tomorrow!" Veneer smiled at him, he was so grateful that they had found him not guilty and he was finally being released. "Same, I can't wait to hug you again!" They spent about an hour talking before their time was up. As Ritz walked out of the prison doors he felt how hot it was so he removed his hat, letting his hair flow down. As he began walking down the sidewalk he swore he saw a camera flash, he quickly turned around confused as there was no one there. Ritz simply shrugged it off continued walking to his apartment. once he arrived, he ran straight to his bed and flopped it down on it. "i'm just gonna take a little 30 minute nap" he muttered to himself. He immediately fell asleep, and a little 30 minute nap turned into a long five hour nap.
When he woke up it was already dark outside, confused, he picked up his phone to check the time. He was shocked to see that he had over 100 missed notifications. " what the fuck" He sighed. Guess I have to go through all of these, he thought annoyed. He started by opening up Instagram where he had 100 DMs and saw he had been tagged in a bunch of post's. His mouth dropped as he saw the posts he had been tagged in.

Kid Ritz, host of the Bop On Top, spotted visiting the Mount Rageous Prison. Other images of the popular host show him speaking to former superstar Veneer, making even more people come forward saying they see him visit the prison almost everyday.

There were so many questions circling Ritz's brain. How did people catch all of these pictures of them? How did people recognize him? Was his disguise really that shitty? Was that what he saw earlier? Most importantly, how was he going to tell Veneer about this?

Time skip

Ritz walked to the prison keeping his head down desperately trying not to be seen. He was wearing a white hoodie, with the hood on and large black sunglasses hoping no one would recognize him. He walked through the prison doors and checked in with the front desk. "He'll be out shortly!" the front desk lady said smiling. "Thank you so much!" He sat down on one of the uncomfortable chairs they had in the lobby and waited. He chewed his nails anxiously, nervous on how he and Veneer were going to get home without being seen. He was so lost in thought he didn't even notice a particular green haired boy standing right in front of him. "Hey love." He recognized the voice almost instantly and immediately jumped up and pulled his boyfriend into the biggest hug ever. "VEN!" He started crying into his shoulder. "I missed you so much!" He cried making Veneer hold him tighter. "I know baby and i'm so sorry I made you suffer for this long." Veneer apologized pulling out of the embrace. "Don't you dare apologize, this was not your fault so do not blame yourself for it. Im just happy to have my amazing boyfriend back." Ritz then leaned in and pulled Veneer into a passionate kiss. Once they separated Ritz took Veneers hand in his and led him towards the door. "Let's go home love." They walked out hand in hand, Ritz caught in the moment forgot what he had been so anxious about. He was quickly reminded when they were met with a crowd of reporters and paparazzi outside of the prison. Veneer looked at Ritz who looked absolutely terrified. "Veneer is it true your sister dragged you into committing the crimes you guys committed?" A reporter asked shoving a microphone into Veneers face. "I-i uh." Veneer stuttered anxiously. "Come on let's go!" Ritz yelled, attempting to pull him through the crowd. "Do you guys have anything to say about the dating rumors that have been going around?" Another reporter asked making Veneer stop and turn towards Ritz. "The what?!?" he yelled. Ritz looked the other way almost in shame and finally saw a way out of the crowd. "I'll explain later, but right now RUN!" He grabbed Veneers hand and dragged him out of the crowd both of them running as fast as they could. Once they were far enough away from the reporters they stopped to catch their breaths. "How. did. they. find. out." Veneer said between breaths. He looked at Ritz who
looked like he was about to cry. "I'm so sorry! T-they saw me c-coming out of the prison a-and there were pictures of us speaking together. I thought my disguise was better! I-i thought I imagined that camera flash! I-"
"Ritz!" Ritz stopped talking as Veneer smashed his lips onto his. He melted into the kiss, his lips feeling lonely as Veneer pulled away. "It's not your fault yeah i'm pretty stressed about it but we'll get through it together." Veneer smiled at him pulling him into yet another embrace. "You're right, together."

Thank you to whoever requested this I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHHHH 🥰
Also I wanted to let you guys know in advance that I may not update this week since for those of you who don't know i'm from Texas and there is currently an ice storm warning and I may lose power so I really want to save my battery if that does happen. If it does not you can except regular updates but I just wanted to let you guys know. Thank you for all of your support it means a lot! Anyway have a great day or night!!!! 🫶

1219 words

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