1st part

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Sorry for my bad English it's my 3rd language if you see any mistakes mind pointing them out it will only help me inprove enjoy!

Dakota is an exremely stubborn and spoiled girl who was insanely rich and had everything passed down to her. One day Dakota's parents had enough and decided to get her at job at the local restaurant to learn that she also has to work. At the first day Dakota sees a other girl that is always working. Her name is Lola she struggles with her finances and she's known for being poor. She wears clothes that are a few sizes bigger and old clothes from the thrift store and having old tech ect. Dakota may be pretty selfish but she found it pretty sad for Lola because she was born in a poor familly and that she then gets bullied for something she can hardly control? Meanwhile Lola got lucky and was born is a rich familly and has everything she wants without doing almost nothing?

Dakota and Lola are the only workers of the restaurant but, the restaurant is pretty small almost a cafe but quite not really. The girls end their shift and she sees Lola still working. Hmm I wonder why? Imma go ask her. Dakota goes up to Lola and askes "Hey why are you still working? Shift is over yk?" "Well I am just extra cleaning so that if the manger comes to check this place it will be clean!" Lola answers "ohhh ok I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me?" Dakota askes "Well I can't really afford it sorry" Lola says "I'll pay for it!" Dakota offers "Uhh sure can my sister come?" Lola askes a little bit of happiness in her voice "Ofcourse!" Dakota says. "Thank you!" Lola says a little excited "But why are you inviting us? Are your friends also coming to bully us?" Lola adds "Nahh why would I go with them they r just mean to me and would probably be mean to you plus they never invite me and i just wanted to invite you because your a really hard worker!" Dakota says "A-are you joking?" Lola says "No? So is tommorow at 5 ok?" Dakota answers "Wait a sec I need to check my calender and well uhh can't at 5 i am then at work but is 6 ok?" Lola askes "Sure I am fine with that." Dakota answers "Thansk you thank you so muchh!!! My little sister will love it!!!" Lola says hugging her and exremely excited

The girls get home. Dakota gets home and tries to fall asleep but she can't there is one thing no person on her mind it's Lola. The more Dakota thought about her the more she realized that she is really likeable. But Dakota faces a problem, what if Lola is just like everyone else? Only using her for her money
Hmm wait of I analyse her behaviour carefully at the movies maybe I can find out!Yesh but I think it's nice if I make a gift for her! Hmm a cake is perfect I can give it to her tomorrow but my friends
Will judge me for giving her something hmmm oh wait! She comes exremely early yeah I can give it to her then! The cake won't bake itself soo time to get cookin! I should ask my butler for help.

.Meanwhile at the apartment of Lola. Lola is laying in bed after she checked if her little sister is sleeping. Lola collapses on her bed from her tierding day she had. Lola suddenly gets Dakota in her head she's really excited because then she can make her sister happy! But Lola begins to wonder about how she acts. Dakota is extremely rich but not the richest of her friend group but her friend group usually bully her but Dakota kinda stood out she sometimes tried to stop them but that would never succeed. She would never bully me only her friends idkkk but I wanna make my sister happy so it's better if I went

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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