Accidents happen

52 2 16

Jawbreakers head felt fuzzy. But that fuzz was slowly fading. "What did I do this time..?" She asked herself, looking down at her hands. They were covered with a red liquid, her clothes were also stained red, it emitted a metallic smell.

Fresh blood.

She was probably still right next to the cookie, too.

"Who did I hurt? Are they alive? Did they get away?" Questions swirled in her head as she put her hand on her forehead. She had lost herself again. But something told her it was worse than the other times. She hadn't been able to break anything for a month. She hadn't been able to relive herself for a month. That's a month too many. Way too many.

She stood up, breathing still heavy. The criminal wiped her eyes. She had so many questions, but the main one that kept popping up was, "Am I a murderer now, too?"

She shook her head and groaned, taking a step forward and tripping over something. She groaned again "ffffuck.... the hell was that?" Jawbreaker groaned in annoyance and pushed herself up, now fully conscious. She turned around to see what she had tripped on and her heart immediately hitched in her chest. Her eyes widened and her eyes stayed locked on what she had tripped on.

It was a body. A body she pretty sure was dead. A body that she had probably killed.

"No..." She whispered, voice cracking, she bent down to inspect the body, knowing she recognized the cookie, and hoped that her eyes had deceived her at first.

They didn't.

"No... no, no, no! Holy- what the fuck- no..." she bent down to them, searching for any signs of life. Maybe, just maybe, it was a different person... "Sh-she can't be dead..." she paused. "Gobstopper, come on, this isn't funny! Get up! I know you're alive!" She yelled, voice quivering, kneeling next to her body.

Jawbreaker couldn't bring herself to believe that Gobstopper Cookie was dead. She couldn't believe that she had actually taken a life, let alone her own sisters. She reached out and pulled Gobstopper closer to her. "Gob, come on... please.... th-this isn't funny anymore- you got me! Get up!" She yelled desperately, clinging to her sisters lifeless body. Despite her arm and leg being dislocated from her body and her face being clearly busted up, Jawbreaker could still recognize her, and still clung to the desperate hope that this would all be some sick joke.

"Please, Gobstopper.... I know you're tough, you can handle me, I-I'm not stupid... please..." She whimpered. It was always hard for her to show remorse and affection, so she hoped that her clear vulnerability right now would cause Gobstopper to get up and start teasing her about it. Teasing her about thinking she had actually died. She hoped she would get up and say something like, "Hah! You actually thought I was dead? You know you can't kill me that easily, Jab. I'm tough too, y'know. Gotcha!" ..although a prank like this wasn't something Gobstopper would do. Jawbreaker knew that. And it was getting harder to deny she was actually dead, now that she was holding her weak, limp, dead body in her arms.

Jawbreaker trembled, not able to say any more. Not being able to bring herself to plead for her sister to wake. She sat there with Gobstoppers body in her arms, shaking violently as her breath quickened and faltered, her vision started blurring. This was a reaction she would typically get before loosing herself to her emotions and attacking anything she sees.

"Why then..." she asked herself, " I feel so..." something wet ran down her face. Water? Was it raining? She reached a hand up to feel it. No. It was a droplet, yet it came from her eyes. She sniffled and a few more ran down her face. She shut her eyes and hugged Gobstoppers body before starting to sob uncontrollably, trembling. "PLEASE! G-get up! Please... please you're still alive, Gobstopper- Gob- p-please..." she whispered. When there was again, no response, she let go of of Gobstoppers body and pulled back, repulsed on what she had done.

Her own sister. Dead. Dead because of her.

She stood up and stumbled backwards, bumping into a dumpster. It seemed as if she were in an alleyway, but she couldn't care less. All that mattered is that here she was, and here was her sister. One alive, one dead.

Jawbreaker gazed down in absolute horror at what she had done, shaking as she looked down at her bloody hands. She could smell blood. She could taste blood. Her vision and mind were filled with nothing but images of the blood running down Gobstoppers body. "I really screwed up this time... what have I done..." she took another step away from the body, back slamming against the back wall of the alleyway. She covered her mouth, muffling her sobs.

She heard footsteps approaching. She hoped desperately it wasn't a cop.

"Dear, are you done rampaging yet..?" Another familiar face popped into the alley, Chocolate Cake Cookie.

"I...." Jawbreaker Cookie couldn't answer.

Chocolate Cake looked down at the body, eyes widening. "....Jawbreaker." She said her name, breathlessly taken back, looking back up at her with a slightly repulsive expression.

"I-It was an.. a-a-accident, I sw-ear..." Jawbreaker whispered, more tears finding their way down her face as she sunk to the ground.

Chocolate Cake Cookie sighed and walked over to her, casually passing by Gobstoppers dead body and standing above Jawbreaker. "Jawbreaker... what did you do."

Jawbreaker didn't look up at her and sobbed. Chocolate Cake bended down, heartbroken on what Jawbreaker had done, but even more so on seeing her cry about it of all things.

Jawbreaker had never cried before.

"Ch-Chocolate... cake...." Jawbreaker looked up at her, tears streaming down her face. She reached up and tried to wipe the consistent flow of tears away. "Wh-what is this stuff...?" She whimpered.

"...those would be tears, darling." Chocolate Cake bent down and tried to wipe some of her beloveds tears away. "Don't try to wipe them away, you will get more blood on your face," she said, pulling out a handkerchief and starting to wipe the blood off of her.

"Wh- t-tears...? I..." Jawbreaker was astonished. She knew what tears were, of course. But in all her life, she never expected to be the one to experience them. This was a new experience, and it was.. uncomfortable. To say the least. She sobbed harder, overwhelmed at everything, and now especially since she couldn't stop the tears flowing down her face.

"Yes, tears, honey. Just let them out." She rubbed Jawbreakers shoulder comfortingly and kissed her cheek. "I'll get rid of the body."

This notion just made Jawbreaker cry harder.

"Shhh... shhh... it's okay. It's our secret, alright? I'll never speak of this again..." she hugged her sobbing girlfriend before adding on, "We will never speak of this again. You're an on the run criminal. You never got sent to the room. Gobstopper never existed after this day. We'll move from the kingdom, if you need to. Please dear, stop crying." Chocolate Cake whispered.

"I-I'm... a murderer, Chocolate Cake- shit I- Gobstopper..." Jawbreaker tried to look at Gobstoppers body behind Chocolate Cake.

"Shhh... we don't know her. You don't have a sister. I've never babysat her.. she doesn't exist." Chocolate Cake turned Jawbreaker to face her, moving her gaze from Gobstoppers dead body to her. Her expression nearly broke her heart. "Calm down. It's okay." She said soothingly, trying not to cry herself. "This never happened."

Jawbreaker reached out and hugged her back, squeezing her tight. "I-I didn't... mean to..."

"I know..." Chocolate Cake sighed and rubbed her back. "I know."

"Wh-what do I do...?"

"You don't have to do anything. Leave it to me. I'll get rid of everything. We'll move away." She held her trembling, confused girlfriend softly, dreading the clean up work she had laid out for her. But if that was what she had to do... it's what she had to do.

Chocolate Cake Cookie held her breath as Jawbreaker cried on and on... she felt herself tear up and made a promise.

She would always try to distract Jawbreaker from this traumatic moment.


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