I warned you -2 (part 1 /2)

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(Y/n) POV
We finally pick up ze and I wanted to see if chilled was serious when he said he would teach me a lesson so when ze was spotted I ran towards him and pecked his lips with a kiss. I look at chilled and he looked into my eyes and I saw lust in his my showed fear and I already new that I had made a mastake.

At the beach house
Chilled had just ask ze is he could go get groceries leaving me and chilled alone....chilled pointed to the bedroom at the end of the hall.I slowly walked to the hall. Until tape was put on my mouth I tried to rip it off but my hands were roped and tied. As I feel his breath down my neck I was pushed into the room I could here the door lock and I tried screaming for help but the tape just muffled it and next thing I know I'm on the bed with just a bra and panties....with a naked chilled chaos standing in front of me.
Next thing I know I'm knocked out cold....

A/N The next part will be part two of this
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