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I had not too long reached home when Shay arrived, she seemed upset as I watched her go upstairs not even saying a word to me.

She came back downstairs a few minutes later and went into the kitchen. I got up from the sofa and followed her into the kitchen.

“B a who trouble you a work todeh?”i ask sitting around the counter.

She didn't answer,she was about to leave when I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me.

“Shay wah do yuh?”i ask her.

“Mek you nuh tell mi...after yuh go breed wah next gyal,”she said and pulled her hand away.

I stopped in my tracks,should a know seh Ali woulda go to har.

“Shay wait,”i said going upstairs.

She was about to close the door when I pushed it open and went inside closing the door behind me.

“Shay please mi neva mean e dah night deh mi did a drink and mi did think a you,”

“Dat doh seh shit Geo...yuh think when yuh tell mi sorry it ago change e fact seh yah go have wah pickney wid yuh ex!”she blurts her eyes swelling into tears and my heart is completely being ripped apart right now.

“Shay mi know it nah go change nutting sumn did wrong wid mi Shay mi neva intend fi do dis a swear,”

“Yuh know wah Geo dis nah go work out between we an mi fucking serious this yah time yah,”

“Shay please,”i said grabbing her hand.

“Stop fucking touch me Geo yuh fuvk wah next gyal how yuh fi do dat!”she said pushing me away.

She started to gather her clothes and I just couldn't let her go like this,so I grabbed her hand firmly and pushed her onto the bed.

“Let mi go Geo!”she said trying to make me let go off her hand.

“Shay mi nah let yuh go until yuh calm done, ”i said hovering over her.

Her nails were sinking into my skin but I did not intend to lose her like this.

“Get e fuvk off a mi Geo...mi serious right now!”her eyes know filled with tears as she tried to get up. She strong nuh fuvk.

“Shay stop fuvking try fi get up please!”i shouted. Maybe it came  out a way more harsher than I intended it to be.

“Who the fuvk yah loud up yuh mouth pon Geo...after yuh go fuvking breed wah next gyal yuh expect mi fi no frigging retaliate...yuh just sick mi stomach!”

And that was when I realised that no matter what I did I wasn't going to get back Shay, she did hurt bad bad.

“Mi sorry,”i said trying to hold back the tears as I let go off her hand and got off her.

I sat on the bed resting my head in my hands as she got up and took her clothes.

She gathered a few of her stuff and left,I would have done anything at that moment to stop her but right now e betta mi stay way from har cuz mi just a hurt har.

As I pulled up at Geo's place I saw Shay leaving,she look like she did a cry and she have some bags in har hand. Weh the fuvk happen between dem now?

I got out of the car and stopped Shay before she could reach to her car.

“Yo Shay a wah do yuh?”i asked.

“Mi no wah fuvking talk to nobody,”she said sniffling as she dried her tears.

“Wah do yuh fuvking hand?”i ask seeing a bruise on her wrist.

“Mek yuh nuh ask yuh whoring fren,”she said before going into the car,slamming the door and driving off.

I went inside the house and found Geo in the kitchen drinking.

“Weh the fuvk happen yahso badman! ”i said.

“Mi fuvk up dawg,”he said as he held the cup to his head.

“Weh the fuvk dat mean bredda ...Shay gone a drive fast weh the fuvk yah go tell mi if sumn do har,”i said taking the bottle of Hennessey from him.

“Ali a breed,”he said after a minutes pause.

“Weh the fuvk yuh mean she a breed...how yuh fi do dat badman if yuh know yuh neva ready fi wah serious relationship why the fuvk yuh go badda deh wid Shay fah!”

“Somebody set this up ah mi a go fuvking find out a who!”he said leaving.
Earth to Geo🌚

This nah go end so someway or another mi haffi get back Shay an e first person mi a find a Clive.

“Yo Rossy send mi Clive address,”i said and a few minutes later he had sent it to my email.

I took a turn off the highway and came to a housing scheme. Pulling up at the gate of a brown house,I got out pushing my gun in my waist as I pulled on a ski mask.

A few minutes later I broke into the house,it was possibly almost 9pm right now and I was sure he would be home.

I pulled out my gun and walked into the hall. The screams of Clive's kids drowned away the sound of the television and the look of terror on his wife's face made me rethink my decision but at this point it was too late.

“Shut unuh bloodclaat mouth!...weh Clive deh?!”

“Please no shoot we...mi no know weh him deh!”she said her eyes widened in a panicked way as her kids tried hiding behind her.

Just at that moment,the front door opened and Clive came in,staggering the stench of alcohol filling the room.

“Pussyhole yuh know how long mi a wait pon yuh!”i said draping him up,the gun to his head.

“Please doh shoot daddy!”cried one of the kids and I turned the gun towards them.

“Siddung an shut up yuh bloodclaat mouth!”

“Weh yuh wah from mi sah,”said Clive shaking.

“Who the fuvk yah work wid!”i said

“Weh yuh mean sir mi is a carpenter,”

“Doh fucking ramp wid mi Clive...cause a you mek mi life cyah inna peace again!” and I started to beat him. Mi gi him some thump and kick mi no know how e still did conscious.

Laying on the floor,blood dripping over his face,his family watching with terror,I asked Clive the question one last time.

“Yuh ready fi bloodclaat talk now?!...who the fuvk a try set mi up!”

“Mi cyah tell yuh,”he said nervously and at this point I can't be anymore patient.

I used the gun and slammed it across his face as he fell unconscious,blood dripping out of his mouth a dozen scars all over his face.

Turning towards his family,I saw the kids crying and the lady trembling with fear. I would have killed them but I don't think they should lose their lives because of Clive.

“Call e fucking police or tell nobody boh this ah yuh we see how mi find unuh an kill unuh,”i threatened and they nodded.

Still unaware of who was behind this,with all these mixed up emotions I left driving at full speed.

One way or another mi go get back Shay e no matter how much ppl ago dead.
Drop e vote peeps🔥

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