00. That's too much for a girl to handle

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Lorelai remembers the last day she saw her parents. She never saw them much. They were always on trips Vought send them to do. They also never were really fond of her. They thought when they decided to supe up their child, she would be as powerful as Homelander. But instead, they got a daughter that can do silly magic tricks.

Lorelai knew she could do more than that. I mean, who else is able to completely change the way someone looks like? She knew she could be something powerful. Whether that be for them or herself, she didn't know.

Her parents had a trip and so they would be leaving her once again. She never really got along with them. It seemed like they forgot she was their daughter and not someone living there. And so, their last conversation wasn't the best. They both had told her she was a disgrace with how weak her powers were, and that she would never make it. Not even as a little assistant for the Seven.

How could they say that? They were the ones that made her that way! Just so Vought could have a little powerful supe in the future! So she shut them out. Until they left for their flight. And until they called her on the flight.

She didn't remember much of the phone call, she blocked most of it out. They say the same things every time anyways. The only thing she remembered was hearing a faint, "Homelander?", before hearing screams. And the line went dead after that. She didn't know what happened, or what to do. With no one to call, she was left to panic, what happened to them?

Until, the news of the plane went on national news. Her parents had died.And Vought had made sure she was well, and that she was ok after the incident. So she stayed with her Uncle, and would stay until she would get to college. But who actually killed her parents? It couldn't have been Homelander. That should've been her first red flag.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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