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(There are no chapters, it's all gonna be one whole thing here because I'm too lazy to split it up)


The whole place was quiet, maybe except for the random gunshots from the team and their footsteps.

Well, despite that, Gordon was tired, Irritated and just completely over it. He just wanted to go back home, to his bed. For fucks sake, to his son. Maybe even his wife? Or ex-wife.

"Hey guys, I think we should take a break. Just for now." Gordon yelled out before the whole team looked at him for a few seconds. His cheeks flushed as the embarrassment got to him.

Gordon was always being bullied by the team so their gazes made him feel like he was being judged. Before they all agreed an sat down.

Dr. Coomer talked Bubby's ear off talking about.. really anything he thought of. Gordon was listening because of course he was. When there's nothing to do he's being nosey.

Tommy was drinking soda, one he picked up earlier but it seemed empty.. so what the hell was he drinking?..Huh, Gordon just never knew with that kid.

And Benrey.. wait—where was he? Well, he's usually not in the group but.. Gordon sighed. Why did he care? That.. guy is an ass anyway.

And as Gordon laid down on the cold floor, his HEV suit not allowing his body to fully be on it, Benrey appeared.

"Huh? OH MY GOD—WHAT THE HELL." Gordon got up, his eyes widening as he looked at Benrey just suddenly being there.

"Hey dude, have you not heard of.. I don't know, not sneaking up on people?!" He yelled out as he fixed his glasses since they got messed up as he jumped up so quickly.

"Uhh.. okay, whatever. I need you to come with me." Benrey said, sounding very impatient. Or something like that, it was hard to tell. Benrey's voice was very monotonous.

"Uhm.. why, exactly?" Gordon questioned. This seemed strange. Obviously. Benrey never walked up to Gordon and asked a thing like that only insults, dumb comments and stuff like that.

"Oh my god dude. Does it matter, hurry up." Benrey quickly stomped away, not looking back at Gordon to see if he was following.

"It does matter! You could try and kill me. You do know I don't trust you right?" He answered quickly, and getting up just as fast. Almost tripping as he tried to keep up with Benrey.

And just as Benrey stopped, Gordon bumped into him. His nose being hit specifically.

"Ah- fuck.." He muttered as rubbed his nose, the stinging hurting. "Well we're here now.. what do you want—"

"I like you."


Gordon was stunned, even more confused when the stinging distracted him. What did Benrey mean? No, Gordon knew what but was Benrey fucking with him right now?

"Dude... I'm-I'm not gay. Nor do I like you." Gordon mumbled out awkwardly and pulled away his hand away from his nose, going to rub the back of his neck. "Okay.. good talk. I think I'll leave now?"

Gordon slowly started walking backwards, was about to turn around before Benrey stopped him, grabbing his hand. Gordon snatched his hand away and stopped in his tracks.

"What are you doing?"

Benrey didn't answer just looking away. Probably embarrassed.

"Don't leave yet, idiot. Just.." He struggled to get the words out. Frowning as he felt upset with himself maybe even with Gordon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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Gordon x Benrey (toxic yaoi....)Where stories live. Discover now