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Chaos, that was the scene in front of her. There was a small war inside the Nautiloid ship; Elena was taken against her own will. While being on a hunt after a vampire spawn that soon turned this situation with a tadpole invading her mind. She hit her fist up against the door of the pod as hard as she could until she broke free. Slipping out and falling down on her knees, she cursed out in the open of the ship "Hell with it all!" Her eyes analyzed her surroundings either for her prey or any signs of freedom from this Nautiloid ship. "How do I get myself into these kinds of situations...I should've just taken the commission of hunting down a couple of Imps or even Kobold looters" She mutters slowly, rising up and looking for an exit or any opening to leave this ship. "Okay, let's focus on Elena, find a way out...I doubt that spawn even lived so I can call this mission accomplished." She smiles trying to cheer herself up before losing her balance as the ship jerks violently. 'Better move it along or I won't make it either.' She thought to herself and quickly got up only for the ship to jerk roughly to the side, causing her to lose her balance and hit the back of her head roughly against the wall. Knocked out right away.

The feeling of the sun hits Elena's face, causing her to stir. She slowly opens her eyes, green eyes blinking constantly till her eyes were used to the bright sky. She heard whispers by her, her body reacted instantly and stood up quickly "Back off and you won't get hurt" She reached for her hidden dagger. "Let's not resort to this, I wouldn't want a blood bath especially after this situation, So I beg of you to change your thoughts Miss." Looking over, she sees a man speaking a rather pompous style and wearing a pompous style. "Judging the way, you speak and ...dress..." Elena sights rubbing her head, feeling it throb. "You are no danger to me." she concludes putting the dagger down. "Wonderful! Tav! Do you feel it?" He asked which Elena hypothesis is their little leader. She looks at the odd group, their leader, that pompous man and a young woman which she can tell obviously has an Acolyte background. "Feel what exactly?" she looks at Tav before grunting out in pain, feeling her head throb worse. It felt like someone was trying to probe into her memories before it stopped. "What the hell was that?! What did you do!" She backs up looking at them. "It's that tadpole, it connected us in a way." The Tav responded. "Just my day." Elena mutters looking at the crashed ship. "I suppose you ...have information regarding this tadpole." She asked before putting her hand up "On second thought...I rather be...unaware of its...cons..." She looks at them before putting her hand out to them "I'm Elena, I was...hunting when I was taken. I suppose you all have a similar story regarding being a victim of the mind flayers."

Elena was helping them set up camp, joining their group for now. "You said you have one more companion in the group?" She sets down her bedroll by the fire looking at Shadowheart. After walking around and finding a place to call camp, she was able to get to know the group. There was the wizard Gale, the cleric Shadowheart and the Tav. "Yes, He went off, saying something about needing to recollect his thoughts." Shadowheart sets her bedroll next to Elena while Gale was cooking up a meal for them with whatever they found near the crash site. "I see, well if he's in the group then he's deemed to be okay. I... just like to be careful around new people...sorry If I come out as rude." Elena smiles explaining to the three of them. Slowly opening herself to them. "I come from a camp where we like to exclude ourselves from others." She tries her best to not offend them. "Gale walks over handing them bowls with soup "It's quite alright, I mean we all just met but we will get to know each other over time while we look for a healer." He sits down on his bedroll, eating his soup. Tav nods, "We need to work together to find this healer and who knows, we will meet others like us." Elena looks at her bowl, before slowly sipping the broth to warm herself as the weather was getting colder. "Correct, we need a healer fast...hopefully one that is skilled enough to remove it, it's not like every day...they get people with a tadpole parasite infected client." She mutters to them before hearing rustling behind her.

"There you are, we thought you were dead." Gale calls out, waving over. Elena paid no mind, knowing it was their other companion of their group. She continues drinking the broth before her eyes slightly widen hearing a familiar smooth voice. "What's this, who's this beauty with such red hair, dark as wine." Elena quickly gets up putting her bowl on the ground and turns around "You!!?" She looks at her target who caused her to get into this mess from the beginning, who was walking out in the sun. 'The bastard is alive and walking in the sun' she thought seeing Astarion who also had a shocked look seeing her. "I thought you were dead as well darling." Astarion mutters as Elena decides it was a bad idea to grab her dagger. Knowing if she did, there are more cons than pros, she was outnumbered and knowing this group would defend him. "Glad to know we share the same thoughts." She crosses her arms walking past him before stopping next to him. "Nothing has been said yet." She then adds, "As much as I want to kill you now and then, I weigh my options and I hate the choice I have to accept...letting you live and unfortunately working and traveling along with the likes of you." She whispers out to him only as the group stares at them worried what might happen based on their reaction. "Oh, please I was also weighing my options and unfortunately, I agree with you. You have no idea how badly I want to see how red your blood is, the same shade as your hair?" He hums. "Oh but do clarify why you didn't just tell them, I'm quite curious. You know I love drama." He smirks. She only rolls her eyes, "It's not my parade to ruin...Spawn" She whispers frowning before walking off to the river to cool herself. Astarion only frowns hearing her before looking over to the group. "I take it you two know each other?" Shadowheart asked.

"Unfortunately, yes" He gasp dramatically.

Screams echo in Elena's mind, She was having another nightmare. The only thing that comes to her mind is flashes of images, blood, glowing red eyes and fangs. Opening her eyes quickly, she sat up and quickly took deep breaths to calm herself. Sighing, she reaches over to grab a rag and wiped off the sweat that accumulated on her forehead.

"Nightmare Darling?" Astarion stood by the entrance of her tent, keeping himself occupied by looking at a book. She frowns, hearing the nickname given "None of your concern, what do you want, I suppose you want to talk while others are asleep." She glared at him "Try anything funny and you'll face the consequences." Elena slowly stood up from her bedroll reaching down to her thigh pulling out a wooden stake "I am always armed around your kind" She slowly stretched her limbs; The nightmare is still lingering in her thoughts. "As expected for someone of your kind...wandering cut-throats." He mutters "But yes, I did come to talk." He closes the book "Who sent you after me, by the looks of it, you didn't have the intention to lose my tracks while I was running." He sits down on the ground, keeping a good distance from her. She only thinks back to the chase she was having with him before being taken into the mind flayer ship. "Honestly" You began to think "I wasn't given a name, I was just handed this task by my leader and off I was, on the hunt for you...odd...they wanted you alive." She hummed thinking back how Ulma stressed out the importance of needing Astarion alive. "Now my turn, you really think this information is free, how the hell are you able to walk in the sun." She glances at him, watching him feel the smooth cover of the book. "I have no clue either, but I suspect it's this little thing in our minds." He places the book on the floor. "I don't mind it...if it gives me this power, I am happy to give this little tadpole a home" He smirks while She only roll your eyes "I think you hit your head somewhere, we don't want this. If I remember correctly...Ulma said something like it's their way for Mind flayers to populate...meaning we have a certain amount of time before we become one of them" She look at the ground, using her finger to draw figures in the dirt.

"Who knows how long we have left, god I am going to turn so ugly, we better find a healer fast." Astarion groans "Why must everything be so complicated." He sighs dramatically before looking over to her, "Right one more question, how do you know so much knowledge about vampire spawns, you knew where to find me right away. Only spawns know about our hideout." His red ruby eyes look at green ones. Elena only stood up, walking to exit her tent, "I knew someone...who told me their secrets...shared their knowledge...he was different from any other spawn I have met and killed in my life. Even if your immortal...death creeps creeped up on him..." She whispers, keeping her back on him before leaving the tent, needing some fresh air.

Let's see how well this does here on Wattpad. I do have a version where it's a fem!reader insert and not OC. It's on Tumblr under the name of Simpcityy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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