On Set

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 It's been three days since I've been on set. If I'm honest I was not happy about not being at the studio with the rest of the cast. Taraji would call to check on me and stop by after they finished filming. 

I hear my phone buzz on the nightstand next to me. I stretch my arms above my head and take a moment to wake up. 

I pick up my phone to see that Oprah has texted me. 

Oprah: Hello Fantasia. I hope you are feeling better and ready to get back to filming. Blitz and I have spoken about the next few scenes we have to shoot with your character. We have made some adjustments that are minor. I will have Taraji fill you in on the changes. I hope to see you tomorrow. 

I sit up fully in the bed and toss my legs to the floor. I move my foot around trying to locate my slipper. I find one and attempt to get the other but it to far underneath the bed. I get up with the one slipper on and look for the other. 

How did my slipper get that far under the bed? I thought to myself. 

I slowly make my way  to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see that my wrap fell off in my sleep. I sigh deep realizing  I would have to add styling my hair to my to-do list today. I turn on the water and run my hands under it. I rinse my face with some cold water before I look for my face wash. 

I hear the front door open. I turn the faucet off and grab a face towel. I wipe my face as I walk to open the bedroom door. 

Tasia!  I recognize the voice and I wait for them to trail upstairs to my room. Oh hey baby, you look like you slept good. She states as she reaches the top of the stairs. I twist up my lip looking at Taraji walk to me in a white sweatsuit coming towards my bedroom door. Good morning to you. I wait for her response. Good morning! She sings back to me. 

I make my way from the entrance of the door and walk to the bed to sit down. Are you not filming any scenes today? I ask realizing that she is here pretty early. 

I spoke with Oprah and Blitz early this morning and she told me there are some minor scene changes they are giving Celie. I just so happen to finish one of Shug major scenes. She pauses for a moment and leans against the wall looking at me with a look of concern. 

However, I am coming to check on you as usual, all of that can wait. I gesture for Taraji to join me on the bed. Taraji takes off her sneakers and places them by the door before making her way to the bed. 


I'm glad you've been resting. Fantasia, I won't push you to have a conversation about what happened a couple of day ago, it can wait. I am however concerned as a friend. Staying in the parking lot that night after witnessing what I did during our scene felt like an ordained moment. I want you to know that if you ever feel up to it, I am here to talk. Instinctually, I wanted to grab her hand and pull her in for a hug. 

I scoot over to Fantasia as I notice her countenance change. I find myself mirroring her as I move in an attempt to provide some support. 

Have you eaten breakfast yet? I ask recognizing the bed is not made and she is still in her nightwear. No, I just woke up and I was about get ready for the day. She says as she positions herself to get up. 

I see her make her way to the bathroom and I fall back on the bed. I lay there for a moment in my thoughts of that night. I position myself to look at the bathroom as I sit up, placing my palm on my face for support. 

We can get out today and get some coffee? I'll get my security to meet us here. She nods her head and she closes the bathroom door. 

Sister, you've been on my mind... Sister, we're two of a kind.  I hummed as I get up walking to the vanity and taking a seat. I take my phone out of my pocket and prop it up. 

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