What About Love?

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After not being on set for the past couple of days, it feels different. I rode with Taraji this morning because my car was left in the parking lot.

I walk to my trailer and set my stuff down on the couch before I take a seat by the vanity. I hear a knock on the door and invite them in. It's open. I yell and I am joined by the makeup team and a stylist who rolls in the costumes for today's scene. I recognize a few of the pieces and I remember the conversation I had with Taraji yesterday.

Before we try anything on, we have the dress for the scene that we need to make alterations to. I am handed the dress to change into. I walk into the bathroom and remove my clothes. I look in mirror examining and wondering where the alterations are going to take place. I step out of the bathroom and I'm met with two stylist looking at the me in the dress.

I watch their eyes examine me and my frame. They put a pin in where the alterations will be and I am instructed back into the bathroom.

Can someone hand me my robe please? I ask out to the team standing in my trailer. Once I'm handed my robe, I take the dress off.

The trailer now has less people in it than before.

Alright, time to start your makeup look for your staircase scene. I sit down in the chair and they begin to apply the makeup. I find myself dosing off with the early morning and the gentle hands of the artist. I am woken up when the look is complete.

We part from the trailer and I feel the cool of the morning as we make our way to the set.

I stand here only dressed in the clothes I wore here this morning. With the dress being altered we run through the scene to confirm positions and angles. I am on set alone. I wonder where Taraji could be.

Alright, let's bring out Taraji and do a practice run with the both of you. My face lights up as if I did not see Taraji earlier. I embrace Taraji with a hug full of longing. I feel safe on set when she is around.

I am filled with gratitude yet again as I think about how she has really been there for me the last complete of days. Our embrace lingers and I feel the room enveloping us into the abyss. Dark and still, feeling like we are in the room alone.

Thank you T. We separate from the hug holding hands as we turn to listen to Blitz direction for the scene. Taraji gently rubs my hands with reassurance, it felt like a settle reminder to exhale.


I'm glad to have you back on set with me Tasia. I missed doing my scenes with you. I turn to her and say after the wrap up of our practice run.

After that night, I notice we have become a closer. In the most intimate way she has allowed me in her space. We trail off to the side as they reset.

I see them bring over Fantasia's dress and I follow it as it makes it's way to us.

You are beautiful baby. I trail off and say with a tone of reassurance. With the progression of the day and shifts of the scenes, I notice sudden mood shifts when she has any scenes with Mr., so I say that with assurance.

I see her blush and look away from me. T, I swear , you are the most.... You are the sweetest person. She says to me as she rubs my arm noticing her dress being rolled over to where we were.

She is instructed by the staff to head back to the trailer to put it on. She turns and ask me to help her.


Is that me whose floating way?

Lifted up to the cloud by a kiss

Never felt nothing like this..... I hum as we trail off to the trailer.

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