23~Drunk & Tongue

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Yana's POV

I came out of the car and stared at the luxurious bar, some drunk men were exiting it and some sober entering inside, I felt anxiety rolling up in my heart just thinking about him.

First, the incident that happened in the morning was making me restless and now this.

I wondered how he got drunk, he truly had a good tolerance for alcohol and cigarettes then how?

I absent-mindedly decided to walk inside, I knew I just couldn't dare to look into his eyes even after doing nothing wrong.

I nervously adjusted my skirt and walked with a straight face, I stopped when I noticed Guards who were asking for entry passes and my forehead creased.

I moved back to call Vansh Sir but stumbled and clashed with something hard and a scent surrounded me making my breath stuck into my throat.

I immediately turned around to meet an extremely handsome man with amber eyes, a glowing fair skin a dark beard with thick black hair, combed properly.

I knew him, of course, I just could not forget him, the memories of New York are still fresh in my mind.

It feels like it was just tomorrow I met him when my Ayaan was a toddler of one month.

At our first meeting, he scared me to death and this meeting too wasn't different.

The aura radiating through his masculine body, his smell, and his haunting eyes all were just at pinpoint to kill me.

"Remember me little one."

He whispered in my ears his lips slightly brushing my earlobe and sending thousands of jolts down my body, he too recognised me.

I immediately moved away and greeted "Hello Mr Roy."

He smiled and replied, "It's Roy Rajdhan Miss."

I felt embarrassment crawling on my face and I bit my lips before correcting myself, "Sorry I didn't know Mr Roy Rajdhan."

He chuckled and passed by me then suddenly I remembered I didn't have an entry pass, "Mr Rajdhan would you help me if you won't mind?"

He raised his brow with an amusing smile and I regretted asking for help feeling so many girls accusing me with their stares and trying to murder me.

Who would tell them I wasn't trying on this handsome man? I already have one who doesn't leave any chance to get on my nerves.

I shrugged my shoulder and bit my lips in nervousness, why I was feeling so scared of asking him for help? of course Ardhansh.

How could I forget my so-called husband?

"Honestly I don't have an entry pass would you mind taking me with you, I am here to pick my boss."

He chuckled making me feel more awkward, why even I asked him in the first place?

"Yeah sure Anything for a beautiful woman like you."  

Why did he need to flirt? those girls around us were shooting daggers at me.

He held my palm and I immediately felt weird with a strong urge to remove it.

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