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A/N: This sequel, although short, is first and foremost for my dear friend K.
You wished so much for it and I hope you are happy with how I, but mainly Harry and Louis, have painted their future.

But the story is also for you J., because you also asked for more.

I think you both love HOTH even more than I do and I thank you immensely for holding this story so close to your heart ♥️

I'm happy to gave Larry the chance to show you what they still had to say or to do. For me personally, it's a nice ending and I had so much fun writing it.

Maybe, maybe I don't believe thatAnything else could hurt meIf I don't want it toLately, lately it's been so easyTo see my life completedInstead of half way full I know I'm the only one who's gonna makeMy ship come sailing in

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Maybe, maybe I don't believe that
Anything else could hurt me
If I don't want it to
Lately, lately it's been so easy
To see my life completed
Instead of half way full I know I'm the only one who's gonna make
My ship come sailing in

So I'm not gonna spend another night of dreaming
Of what could've been

Keep your eyes on the horizon
Paradise is in your own mind anyway, anyway
Keep your head above the water
Paradise is getting closer everyday, everyday
Just get there your own way


The hot water rains down on his frozen body. His breath comes in gasps, his eyelids are squeezed shut and his hands are clenched into fists, pressed tightly to his thighs. Louis' mind is racing, as is his heart, and he wishes he could turn the water even hotter so that it burns his skin, so that he feels something other than the terrible, overwhelming fear and panic that has taken over him.

It's the worst panic attack he's had in years. He had actually learned to deal with it well, had worked hard on himself with Lily and knew his triggers and knew how to quickly counteract it if it got too bad again. Harry was always at his side, who had also learned to accompany Louis through it. They've been through thick and thin for seven years and Louis still sometimes can't believe that he was so lucky to be seen by Harry. To be loved with all his emotional wounds, over which Harry relentlessly stuck plaster after plaster with his love and angelic patience.
Louis was so happy until an hour ago. Until he suddenly stumbled into his personal nightmare without knowing it, thrown violently back into the past, trapped in his own body that was paralysed and his eyes blinked quickly, trying to take in what he didn't actually want to see and his mind was screaming at him to escape. But Louis was frozen into a statue.


-Two hours ago-

"We're definitely celebrating this tonight. I can't believe we were actually chosen," Louis grinned as he made his way to his underground stop with quick, rocking steps and pressed his phone, which had Harry on it, firmly against his ear.

Paradise is in your own mind | SequelWhere stories live. Discover now