Breaking chains

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I followed Dominic into the opulent bedroom, the scent of sea air mingling with the overwhelming fragrance of expensive perfumes. The room, a concoction of silk and shadows, exuded a false sense of intimacy that mirrored the entire charade.

My Thoughts: This is where the illusion of a marriage begins.

As the door closed, the sound echoed like a heavy sigh, signaling the beginning of a night I wished to fast-forward. Dominic's eyes, filled with anticipation, met mine, but underneath, a simmering anger lingered.

"Our sanctuary for the night."

Sanctuary? More like a gilded cage.

The room whispered tales of indulgence, draped in silks and adorned with gold accents. I couldn't deny its luxurious allure, but it was a facade, just like the vows we were supposed to exchange.

A room fit for a queen... or a prisoner.

Dominic approached, a predator closing in on its prey. His touch, possessive, sent shivers down my spine, and I resisted the urge to recoil.

He looked at me with a strained smile"Isabella, tonight we begin our journey."

Journey? This is a descent into the shadows.

As he spoke, the air in the room thickened with the unspoken tension, and I found myself silently praying for the night to be over, for the confines of this room to release their grip on me.

Endure, Izzy. Endure.

In the stillness of that luxurious chamber, the shadows entwined with our destinies, casting doubt on the facade we were forced to maintain. The night unfolded, a delicate dance between two souls bound by a thread of obligation, yet separated by the impenetrable walls of secrets and unspoken truths.

"No more games, Dominic. This ends now."

With swift determination, I began shedding the dress and jewelry, the symbols of a union I refused to accept.

This is my reclaiming.

Dominic, taken aback, watched as I discarded the trappings of this forced matrimony. Anger fueled my every move as I turned toward him with a glare that dared him to challenge my defiance.

"If you've got the fucking nerve, follow me. But I warn you, do not disturb my solitude."

As I sought solace in the cold water of the shower, Dominic's impatience reached its limit. Ignoring my warning, he barged in, breaching the last sanctuary I had.

This is an invasion.

A collision of wills unfolded, steam mixing with the palpable tension. The war of control escalated, each drop of cold water mirroring the icy defiance that separated us. In that chilling moment, boundaries were shattered, and the shadows of our entwined destiny deepened.

The bathroom's steam hung in the air, wrapping around the charged atmosphere as Dominic's heated gaze bore into me.

He looked at me with a mix of desire and anger "I own you, Isabella. I'll take what I want."

You are so fucking disgusting . It makes my skin crawl.

Panic surged within me as I hastily reached for a towel, seeking a shield from his gaze.

Wrap up, Izzy. Protect yourself.

In that moment of vulnerability, his possessive words cut through the tension, echoing in the confined space.

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