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"Today was a fairytale

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"Today was a fairytale. I wore a dress; you wore a dark grey T-shirt."

- Today Was A Fairytale (Taylor Swift)

Libby called me and asked me to come to Avery's high school. I couldn't quite comprehend why, but I got in my car and started driving.

By the time I got there, my older sister, Libby had already reached. She looked insanely nervous. I've never seen her this nervous.

In the Principal's office, we sat down, opposite a blonde boy, who wore a suit (probably costing more than my entire existence) and grey eyes like no other. He was insanely attractive! Shit. Why am I thinking about how he looks right now? We have more pressing issues at hand.

Thank God! Avery came in (also confused), and sat down beside me.

"What's wrong? Did something happen? Is it about our Dad?"

"Your father is fine." We were all taken aback by how this boy knew about our father.


"As of yesterday, Rick Grambs was alive, well, and safely passed out in a motel room in Michigan, an hour outside of Detroit." he said. I resisted the urge to call him a creep, which, he, was.

"How could you possibly know that?" I asked. My question was ignored. Seriously?

"Principal Altman, I believe you could give us a moment." he said. The Principal just stood there baffled.

"I believe, we had an agreement." The Principal walked out. Who did he think this guy was? Kicking out the Principal from his own office.

"You asked, how I knew about your father." I kept staring at his silver eyes which also had a hint of blue them, like you could barely notice them. I got a good look at him. His eyes were like they could get themselves anything. What money couldn't buy Grayson Hawthorne, those eyes probably did. That jaw was as sharp as a knife. And, obviously his cold demeanor, but his eyes sparkled, glowed like the moon which reflects the sun's light.

But, he was an arrogant arse. Yes, an arrogant arse who thinks he's the kind of the world.

After a moment, he continued, "It would be best, considering the moment, for you to assume I know everything." A boy who thinks he knows everything, that's new.

Avery had spoken my thoughts out loud. "A guy who thinks he knows everything, that's new."

"A girl with a razor-sharp tongue." he said unamused. This son of-

"Who are you?" Avery asked before I could curse him. "What do you want?" Another question I'd been itching to get the answer to.

His grey eyes wavered to me. He said, "All I want is to deliver a message. One which has proven to be quite difficult to provide via traditional means."

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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