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Six months later . . .

"They couldn't have asked for better weather. Today is going to be perfect," I tell Jisoo as I straighten his tie.

The last six months have been incredible. Date nights with Jisoo, evenings helping Isaiah with his homework, Sundays at Seulgi's having brunch with the family. Today will be the cherry on top.

It's a beautiful spring day, and we're all gathered at the Kim family cabin for Irene and Seulgi's wedding. The brides insisted on a small event—or as small as anything can be when it involves the whole Kim clan. We'll all gather in front of the lake at sunset to listen to them say their vows and then have a barbecue on the back patio and dance until the moon is high in the sky.

"I'm pretty sure it could've been raining buckets, and Seulgi and Irene would still think it was the perfect day," Jisoo says.

"Is the bride nervous?"

"I think she's convinced Irene's going to realize she can do better than her and disappear."

I laugh. "I really doubt that. I think she's nervous, but not as nervous as the ring bearer. He's told me fourteen times that Seulgi's going to be his mama."

"Only fourteen?" Jisoo asks. "Every time I've called her Noah this week, he's corrected me. 'It's Noah Kim,'" Jisoo says, imitating the little boy's adorable voice.

"He knows where he belongs."

Jisoo pulls my hands off her tie and closes the distance between us, wrapping her arms around my waist and slowly lowering her forehead to mine. "I can't blame him for being excited about it. It's a good feeling, knowing where you belong, knowing who you can call family."

"Can't argue with that." I loop my arms behind his neck and melt into her.

"Get a room," Isaiah calls from behind me, and I grin, as grateful to the Kims for pulling the teen into the fold as I am for their willingness to include me.

"Can you go find something else to do for a while?" Jisoo asks Isaiah, and I hear the kid chuckle and the sound of his steps.

"You didn't have to do that," I say, even as I curl into him.

"I wanted to ask you a question in private," she says in my ear.

"What's that?"

She clears her throat. "Today's all about family. About making those who are family in our hearts family in name."

That is such a freaking sweet way to look at it. "I love that."

She's quiet for a beat and I feel her go tense. Is she . . . nervous? "So what about you? Would you want to be a Kim?"

Well, my last name already is—

I pull back to look in her eyes, sure I'm misunderstanding what I think I heard and hoping beyond hope anyway. "What?"

Jisoo grins and shakes her head. "You look amazing in that dress, but I keep thinking you'd look even better wearing a ring." She digs a hand in her pocket and comes out with a black box. "My ring."

Oh my God. "Jisoo. . ."

"You've been an honorary Kim for a long time, Jennie, but I'm ready to scratch the 'honorary' from that title altogether." She drops to one knee and opens the box to show a sparkling diamond. "I love you. You saved me from the darkness, and I'd be grateful to you every day for that alone, but then you became part of my life. You brighten every day that I get to spend with you and bring me more joy than anyone else I've ever known. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to call you my girl, but I'd rather call you my wife. Marry me?"

"Yes." I drop to the ground in front of her and offer her my shaking hand. She slides the ring on, and I wrap my arms around her neck. "I love you so much."

She lowers her mouth to mine and her kiss is long, lingering, and full of promise. When she breaks the kiss, her smile is radiant. "I can't wait to do this for the rest of our lives."


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