Introduction/ #1~

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//Jeremy: H-Hi there, readers..!

Mike: ...

Jeremy: He's n-not much of a talker..Or he just doesn't like you guys..

Mike: Jeremy.

Jeremy: Sorry..Anyway, I hope you like this book of our lives..!//

It was a sunny day out of the date of April first, "April Fools Day" they call it. Jeremy had no clue about it, also not caring as well. He walks down the road to Mike's house to get help on his homework, the only subject he struggled with was Chemistry, he'd be afraid to mix Chemicals and such and possibly causing it to explode in his face. As he walks to his house, he hears giggling, he looks up and looks around his surroundings, but no one was there. He shrugged it off and continued walking, once he reached his destination, he knocks on Mike's door two times. No response. He knocked again. Still no response. He went to knock the door again to see it cracked, so the chocolate brown haired boy peeked in. "M-Mike..?" Silence. He walked in quietly when he seen something glowing in the distance. The little chocolate haired boy shivered slightly and continued to explore Mike's house, also looking for him. He reached a door handle and twists it to the right, and notices, This is Mike's room.. He thought, as he notices a book on his bed, it's Mike's scrapbook of some sort. He looks through to see Mike as a baby, toddler, and kid. Then he turns the page and sees a family portrait. Hey..Isn't that Mike's parents..? He thought, once again, but whispering quietly to himself. "Boo." Jeremy screams and turns to punch the person, but they grabbed his hand in time before landing on their skin. "Jere, Calm down! It's me, Mike!" Mike tries to keep his laughter in as he smiles lightly, Jeremy on the other hand, was very embarrassed that he looked like a tomato. He turns away as Mike grabs his chin, and forces Jeremy to look into his ocean blue eyes. "Jere it's just a prank." "A-A p-prank..?" "Yeah..April fools, I guess..?"

PayBack (Continue)
Mike starts to help with Jeremy for Chemistry until 5 p.m. "Mm..I'm hungry." Mike mumbles to himself as he starts to talk more random things to himself like "What food he likes" and "His favorite color". Jeremy rolls his eyes and walks away from the over thinking 20 1/2 year old man as he goes to make food. Twenty minutes later Mike is still thinking and Jeremy walks out with scrambled eggs with bacon and screams at Mike to get his attention. "Gahhh-!! What?" "Here." Jeremy hands him his food and sits by him. After eating Jeremy grinned and moves some of his hair out of his face. He puts his and Mike's plates on the table and sits on Mike's lap. "Uh..Jere what're you doing.." "I-I wanna sit.." "Jeremy you're on my lap-" Jeremy leans close to his face and kisses him. Mike looks at Jeremy with wide eyes as he slowly calms down and melts into the kis, lips locked with Jeremy's. Right before he takes a step deeper, Jeremy jumps off his lap and runs off screaming "A-APRIL FOOLS~" Mike growls and chases Jeremy for what felt like hours, finally he gets close enough to Jeremy and pounces on him. The chocolate haired boy whines, getting ready to cover his face. Mike grins and turns him around, and kisses Jeremy. "That was a good payback, Jere~"

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