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The First Date:
Mike and Jeremy was in the kitchen, arguing over dates. Jeremy wanted to go on a date, but Mike refused to. Mike was worried that they'd either be judged on their gender (Since they're gay-) or they'd bump into Jeremy's horrible, alcoholic, and abusive father. "B-But..-" "No complaining, Jere. It's settled. We're not going on dates." "...Okay.." Jeremy walks away, trying to hold his tears back. I know he cares..But he's a little too overprotective... Jeremy thought, as he walks past Mike's room. He backs up and looks into Mike's room to see a picture of his family. He stared at it at least what felt like generations. He snaps out of it and runs to his room to study. On Mike's view, he lays down on the couch, groaning and regrets what he said. "Fuck..I screwed up big time now.." His voice was muffled from the pillows and sighs. "What am I gonna do now..." He hugs the pillow lightly and thinks about his lover. A couple hours later Mike walks into his room and sees Jeremy looking through his stuff, He gives a slightly toothy grin as he walks up to him and rests his chin on the youngster's head as well of wrapping his arms around him. "Hey there, Jere. What'cha doin'~?" Jeremy flinches and hides a paper, looking up, but jot moving his head. "N-Nothing.." "Gimme the paper, Jerebear~" Jeremy sighs in slight defeat and hands the paper to Mike. It was a cute picture of him and a half-drawn Jeremy by his side, as the bottom says 'together forever!' "Aw, Jere this is cute!" Jeremy blushes as he looks down. "T-Thanks.." Mike smiles and kisses the chocolate hair. "I change my mind about the not dating thing. Let's go tomorrow, Okay?" "O-Okay..!"

The Truth:
Jeremy has been looking for Mike for at least a week or two. Two days later the reports were closed since they didn't find his corps/body, but they knew he was dead. The next day of sobbing and wishing, Jeremy was noted that there was a new animatronic - a Mongrel. It had the same eyes as Mike, strange, he thought. But they probably did it just to give a memory of him, after all, him and Jeremy were the only guards that lived. The others were acting strange, though. Once they got into the room, they'd always become eyes locked with the Mongrel's, and they'd flee. One day he seen the Mongrel in his seat, holding something. He walked closer and seen something he'd realised. The Mongrel was holding a picture of 'him' and Jeremy. The bottom said "together forever."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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