Chapter 3

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"Sup guy-mhmgjbx" [Name] was about to call out for the delinquents when a hand suddenly grabbed her from behind and stabbed a syringe into her neck. "MHPHHMMPH!!!!" [Name] screamed as she tried to struggle, but whoever caught her put a hand in front of her mouth.

Luckily, the delinquents already heard her and they turned around to check what happened.When they turned around and saw what happened, they immediately came over with their weapons to help. The person who attacked [Name] immediately let [Name] go, of course, not forgetting to swing a bat at her head to do some extra critical damage first. [Name] cursed underneath her breath before she fell on the ground, unconscious. That guy probably put a tranquilizer in the syringe.

𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕦𝕥𝕖𝕤 𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣~

[Name] tried to open her eyes but they seemed to be stuck together by glue. Suddenly, she heard two voices, one of a boy and the other one of a woman.


"I'm leaving."

"I don't care."

"I love you mom."
"I hate you."


"You killed your sister."

"It was an accident."

"You did it on purpose."


"I hate you."

"I hate me too."

[Name] on the other hand, didn't really have time for other people's personal family problems you see, because she was trying to open HER DANG FLIPPING EYES!!!!!!! After a couple more tries, [Name] decided to calm down a little bit and see if it would help.

"Take a deep breath, pretend you're not here." A young lady's voice echoed. [Name] did exactly what the lady told her and pretended she was back at her old home, before she got teleported into this Yandere simulator universe and somehow managed to get into such a big mess ON THE FIRST DAY. If she managed to almost get herself kidnapped on the first day at Akademi High, what's gonna happen the next day? Is she gonna get thrown off the roof or something like that?

SOMEHOW SOMEWAY, she managed to calm down after a couple of minutes, and she successfully opened her eyes. Which she instantly regretted because she found out that she, in fact, DID NOT wake up back in Akademi. There was a girl with red hair that fades into black kneeling in front of her. "Hello dear, you don't seem to belong here do you? What brought you here?" The girl questioned with a warm and gentle smile. "I actually have no flippin' idea." [Name] confessed. "ah, I see, so you were brought here by him huh......." The girl's gaze turned cold. "Umm, anyways, what's your name?" [Name] decided to change the topic since the atmosphere was starting to get too tense for her liking.

" Ǎ̶̘̟̣̤̳̟́͑s̵̢͎̭̟̔̿͐̒͒̓͆̿̆̚h̸̰͓̬̺̮̒́̀͐̈̈́͒͝l̶͎̹̻̞͇̮̖̲͖͝e̷̩̓͗̐̄̈́͐̔̍͠͠ÿ̷̤͔͉̲̺̝̖̺͗."

The girl replied in a high-pitched, broken, glitched voice.

"S-sorry, I-I couldn't hear you." [Name] stuttered. "No worries, you and I belong in opposite realms, I would be concerned if you could understand my name. I think it's also time for you to go back, your friends are waiting for you." The girl responded in a tone that literally SCREAMED the meaning 'screw this I ain't dealing with this crap no more'. Then the girl slapped [Name] across the face. "EXCUSE ME MISS I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOU KNOW THAT SLAPPING SOMEONE ACROSS THE FACE WITHOUT WARNING IS VERY VERY IMPOLITE- Umm, wait, where am I?"

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