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(Hii !! This is my first time writing something and please don't make fun of my grammar if it's bad😭. But anyways enjoy!)

Velvets pov:

As I was sleeping I was dreaming about all the fame I've gained from the past month.I was so proud of myself but something felt like something was missing.I knew exactly what it was.In my dream,kid ritz was interviewing me and venner and suddenly asked us,"If you had one wish in the whole world what would it be?" Me and venner looked at each other with a face clearly saying we wanted the same thing. "How about we say it at the same time?" I said. Kid ritz nodded.

Venner: "to find true love!"

Velvet: "to perform at the rage dome!"

Kid ritz made a confused but slightly funny face. "What do you mean to find true love venner?!" I said with a shocked face. "I just want someone to love,and go on dates with!" He said. I made a disgusted face. "What do you mean? If you dated someone what would happen if it got in the way of our fame?" I said kind of irritated. I forgot that we were live with kid ritz on the tv with thousands of people watching. "Sorry I'm just kind of confused why he said that,but just forget that ever happened and continue please!" I said nervously with my palms sweaty. "Uhm of course! Anything you'd guys like!" Said kid ritz with a smile on his face. I could tell he was kind of shocked himself to. "So-

"VELVET WAKE UPPPPPP!!!!" I heard a voice. Turns out it was just venner waking me up. "Oh my god venner why are you waking me up?!" I said. "BECAUSE WE HAVE AN INTERVIEW WITH KID RITZ!" He said cheerfully. He was also kind of blushing. "Why are you blushing venner?..." I said.
"Oh sorry I'm just kind of nervous" He said. I rolled my eyes jokingly and got ready in a flash. "Ooh someone looks extra good today!" Venner said in a zesty tone.
"I always look extra good." I said while flipping my high ponytail. "Whateveaaaaaaaa" said venner. "Omg you're so zesty!"I said walking to our limo. As we were heading to our interview I thought of my dream. "What if venner actually wants to find true love?..What if I find true love?.." I thought. I shook my head in disgust. How could I ever love someone other than venner? He's like my best friend! Well he's my brother but he's all I need! I stopped the thoughts because I started to overthink. A few minutes later we got there I saw kid ritz waiting for us in the front of the building.As I got out the limo venner was speed walking to kid ritz almost falling down. I giggled. Venner loved kid ritz so much. They were like two pees in a pod.


Velvet: why not?

Kid ritz giggled as well. He shook our hands and we went inside. "Woah. This place is nice!" Venner said. "Saying that like you haven't been here for like one hundred times." I said rolling my eyes. Venner pouted with a kind of irritated look on his face. We were about to get interviewed in five minutes. Venner came up to me and asked me "vel,I wanna tell you something.." "ven, we can't right now we're about to get interviewed. How about when we get home?" I said as he nodded.

Staff: We're in in

Kid ritz started introducing himself like always in any interview.

Kid ritz: whats up Mount Rageous! I'm kid ritz here with some very special people today..VELVET AND VENNER!!

He started to talk about all the normal stuff then got to the questions. I caught venner admiring kid ritz and every word he said. I found it weird but normal.They were like best friends so I couldn't blame him. Or was he in love with kid ritz? No,no there's no way he is! "Uhm earth to velvet!!" Said kid ritz. I snapped out of what I was thinking."sorry I zoned out." I said. "I could tell." said kid ritz. Venner giggled. "Anyways I was going to ask you guys a question." Said kid ritz. "What is it?" Said venner. "If you had one wish in the whole world what would it be?" He said. I froze. I got flashbacks of my dream,hoping the same situation wouldn't happen in real life. "How about we say it at the same time?" Venner said. "Y-yeah o-of course!!" I said my palms were sweaty and I started to panic. I can't believe I was so worried about what my brother would say. "Uhm vels?" Venner said. "Oh sorry" I said. Venner said in sign language "are you ok?" I nodded. "Ok...." Said kid ritz. "ok we'll say it in 3.....2.....1...."

Velvet and venner: to perform at the rage dome!!"

I took the biggest sigh of relief. Venner looked at me with a weird look on his face. "Well I hope you guys do one day!" Said kid ritz. "Thank you!" Me and venner said at the same time. He asked us another question.

Kid ritz: what are some of your biggest influences?

Venner: honestly...vel has always been my inspiration.

"Hmmm I'd have to go with also me!" I said gaining my confidence back.Then kid ritz talked about everything else he usually does. We finished the interview and headed to the limo. I was waiting for venner but he somehow was sure taking his time.

Venner: ritz!

Kid ritz: yeah?

Venner: I just wanted to say thank you.

Kid ritz: for what?

Venner: oh uhm never mind bye!..

Kid ritz: bye!...

Venner finally got in the limo. "What took you so long?!" I said. "Oh I just had to use the bathroom." Venner said. I knew he was lying but it's ok. We headed home. Me and venner sat on the couch next to one another. "So what did you want to talk to me about earlier?" I said. Venner looked kind of nervous.

Veneer: well I-

(Sorry if this is really lame😭)

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