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Venners pov: It was 7am. I woke up and got ready for the day. Today me and velvet perform at the rage dome! The biggest stage ever! As I got ready I started thinking about last night. Until I had realized we had to go see kid ritz today for whatever reason. I got nervous because what if I look like a fool in front of him?? Ugh,I have to stop liking him because there's no way he likes me back. I'm just a big mess!! I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a moron.

Velvets pov: I woke up at 7am. I got ready for the day and got a little bored after. But I remembered today we had to visit kid ritz for whatever reason and that we performed at the rage dome. I started walking around the house. I was thinking about my fame,fans and success. Life was perfect. And there's nothing that can ruin it. That's when I remembered that yesterday venner had to tell me a secret. I was going to go ask him what it was but he looked pretty busy and I didn't wanna disturb him. Maybe it's something normal? I don't know honestly.

A couple hours laterrrrr..............

Velvets POV: I checked the time. It was 11:30. We had to be with kid ritz at 12. I went to venners room. "Ven we have to go right now. Remember we have to see kid ritz?" I said. "Huh-kid ritz-what-uhm I-" he said. "Venner are you okay? We can cancel seeing kid ritz if you aren't feeling alright." I said as I cut him off. "What?! Uhm no of course not I'm okay it's okay!" He said as he calmed himself down. We got into our limo and headed to some big building that had a giant portrait of kid ritz. It was probably his studio for interviews or something.

Venners pov: I saw the big portrait of kid ritz. I blushed looking at it. "He's so hot-" I said. Velvet looked straight at me with a weird look. "Who looks hot venner?" She said. "N-No one!" I said. Oh my gosh. I was about to expose myself! And why the hell did I call kid ritz hot?! I- ugh. I tried to calm myself down. As soon as we parked we walked inside. The entrance was a big bright blue glowing sign that said "Kid Ritz" in cursive. I must say I am impressed. We kept walking till kid ritz came to us. "Hi kid ritz!" I said looking like a moron. "Hey venner! Just call me ritz." He said. With a pleasing smile on his face. I blushed a little bit. Kid ritz giggled and put his hand on my shoulder. I blushed even harder. God I looked like a tomato! "Venner I-" "Ok lovebirds enough flirting and let's do what we have to do. Me and venner  have a big performance and I need lots of time to rehearse and get ready." Said velvet cutting off kid ritz. Me and kid ritz looked at eachother blushing. I hadn't realized how close together me and ritz were!!!

Velvets POV: After the whole "flirt" with venner and kid ritz,I could tell venner liked him. I wouldn't tell him anything though. Me,venner and kid ritz did what we had to do.

Venners POV: When me,velvet,and kid ritz were done with the paperwork (whatever all that busy business thing is) Velvet and I headed to the restroom. Before velvet went into the girls restroom,she grabbed my wrist. "Venner,I know you like ritz." She said. "I-I-uhm-well-fine..you caught me." I said panicking.
She chuckled and went to the restroom. I got out before she did but once I was heading to leave,Ritz was there. I blushed just a little bit. "Hey,leaving already?" he said in a deep pretty voice. (If ykwim then ykwim) "H-Hi" I said stuttering. I'd never been so nervous around someone before. Ritz giggled. I giggled back. "I wanted to ask you something." He says. "Oh,what's up?" I said. "I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hangout sometime." He said. I blushed hard. "L-Like a date??" I said. "What no no! Sorry!" I said panicking. "I guess you could say that" he said with a warming smile on his face. "I-i guess it's a date then!" I said blushing. Ritz chuckled. "You know your really cute venner,right?" He said blushing a bit. I turned into a literal tomato!! "RITZ your gonna make me blush!" I said. "You already are cutie." He said. That made me blush way harder. "RITZ!!" I said. "You know I-""Vennerr!! Let's go it's already 3!! We have to get ready for the rage dome! You boyfriends can flirt later!" Velvet said walking up to me cutting off ritz. Velvet went outside to get the limo. That meant I still had some time with ritz. "Uh-I- can I have your phone number?.." I said nervously. "Of course cutie." He said in a very flirty way. "RITZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said. He laughed. Ritz gave me his number and I left to get ready for the rage dome with velvet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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